Detail Groups Tab of the Account Tables Form

Use the Detail Groups tab to associate detail group names with accounts. You can also use this tab to specify how account group table information prints on General Ledger reports.


Field Description
Number Enter the number to associate with the new table.
Organization Use the lookup field to associate an organization with the selected account table. This field only displays if you use organizations.
Code Use the lookup field to associate an account code with the selected account table. You define these codes in Unit Tables in Settings > Accounting > Units.

Detail Account Groups Grid

In this grid, add account groups for the account group table. Then select an account group in this grid, and in the Accounts in <Account Group Name> child grid further below, enter the general ledger accounts associated with the selected account group. Do this for each account group in the Detail Account Groups grid.

Field Description
Test Setup Each account in your chart of accounts must belong to an account group. Amounts for accounts not assigned to account groups display in the Other column on the General Ledger reports.

This option works with the Exclude from Report Total option.

When you click Test Setup, the following things happen:
  • Vantagepoint displays a list of all accounts not currently assigned to an account group.

    If an account is assigned to an account group, but the account group is marked for exclusion from report totals, that account displays in the list of "missing" accounts.

    Amounts for accounts not assigned to account groups display in the Other column on the General Ledger reports. However, if an account is assigned to an account group marked for exclusion from report totals, that account's amount is not included in the Other column.

  • Vantagepoint checks for accounts that are assigned to multiple account groups.

    Vantagepoint considers account assignments as duplicates only if both account groups are marked to be included in report totals. This means that the Exclude from Report Total option is not selected for either account group to which the account is assigned. The duplicates list does not include an account assigned to two account groups if one account group is included in report totals and the other account group is excluded from report totals.

Sort Order Enter a number to specify the order in which detail account groups display on reports.
Account Group Name From the drop-down list, select a detail account group name. This name displays as a label on general ledger reports.
Exclude from Report Total

Select this option to define subtotals on general ledger reports without those subtotals impacting the bottom line or the report totals. If you run the Test Setup option, any account assigned to an account group marked for exclusion from report totals displays in the list of accounts not yet assigned. For example, you can create an account group for the sum of current assets less current liabilities, but this account must not impact the total Assets or Total Liabilities on the Balance Sheet.

Do not select this option if you want accounts to impact the bottom line and be included in report totals.

This option affects the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Profit Planning Monitor.

Show Account Detail By account group, specify whether the account number or name displays on general ledger reports. Select one of the following settings from the drop-down list:
  • Yes: Display the account number or name beneath each detail account group on the report. Whether just the account name, or both the account name and number, display is based on report options settings. This setting overrides any settings on the report's Sorting/Grouping fields.
  • No: Do not display the account number and account name on the report. In this case, the total amount includes amounts from all accounts associated with the detail account group. This setting overrides any settings on the report's Sorting/Grouping fields.
  • Report: Display the account name and number on the report only if you select them on the Sorting/Grouping fields for the report.

This option affects the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Profit Planning Monitor.

Group Total Select one of the following settings from the drop-down list:
  • Yes: Display a total on the report for all the accounts associated with the account group; the total displays under the account group name. This setting overrides any settings on the report's Sorting/Grouping section.
  • No: Do not display a total for the account group on the report. This setting overrides any settings on the report's Sorting/Grouping section.
  • Report: Display a total on the report only if you select it on the Sorting/Grouping section for the report.

This option affects the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Profit Planning Monitor.

+ Add Detail Account Group Click this option to add a new detail account group name to the grid. Set the options for use on General Ledger reports.
Delete Select a grid row, and click to remove the detail account group name from the account group table.

If you specify two levels of account group structure and the detail account group is already associated with a summary account group table, Vantagepoint you cannot delete it. You must remove the detail account group from the table on the Summary Groups tab of the Account Tables form.

Accounts in <Account Group Name> Grid

Use this child grid to associate one or more general ledger accounts with the account group that you selected in the Detail Account Groups grid above. The title of this Accounts in <Account Group Name> grid changes to reflect the account group name that you selected in the Detail Account Groups grid (the parent grid).

The following applies for this grid when you use Other Actions > Copy to create a new account group table: You must save the new table before you can edit the start and end accounts in this grid. (The grid is grayed out until you save the new account group table.)

Field Description
Start Account

Enter the starting account number for the account group, or click to select the account on the Account lookup.

For each account group, you can specify either a single account number or a range of account numbers:

  • To specify a single account number, enter the same account number in the End Account field, so your start account and end account are identical.
  • To specify a range, enter an end account number that is greater than the start account number.
End Account Enter the ending account number for the account group, or click to select the account on the Account lookup.

For each account group, you can specify either a single account number or a range of account numbers:

  • To specify a single account number, enter the same account number that you entered in the Start Account field, so your start account and end account are identical.
  • To specify a range, enter an end account number that is greater than the start account number.
+ Add Account Range Click this option to insert an account or range of accounts for the detail account group table.
Delete Select a grid row, and click to remove the account from the detail account group table.