Format Tab of the Default Billing Terms Form

Use the Format tab to enter the default template header and footer text, and the information that appear on invoices.

Text on Invoice

Most formatting that you add with the text editor, including the table format, does not display on invoices that you print. However, the formatting does display when you preview or download the invoices. This is due to limitations in Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services. By default, a default invoice template will be shown with HTML formatting in this field.

Field Description
Description Click to enter information that describes the billing terms, such as a purchase order reference. If you enter a description here, it displays in the header section of the invoice, below the project number and project name.
Invoice Footer Click to enter information that appears in the footer of invoices.

Invoice Templates

Field Description
Invoice Template From the drop-down list, select the invoice template to use when an invoice is created for the project. The list can include default templates provided by Deltek and custom templates that you create with the Invoice Template Editor.

If your firm sets up record level view access for invoice templates, you may be limited to only those templates selected by your system administrator. You specify record level view settings on the Record Access tab in Settings > Security > Roles.

Credit Template From the drop-down list, select the credit template to use when credit memos are created in Interactive Billing for an invoice for the project.

The drop-down list in the Credit Template field includes the Deltek-provided Default template and any custom invoice templates that are created using the Invoice Template Editor. These are the same templates that are included in the Invoice Template drop-down list. When you use the Default template for credit memos, the credit memo displays a Credit Memo box at the top, instead of an Invoice Box.

If your firm sets up record level view access for invoice templates, these settings also apply to the credit template. This affects whether or not you can select templates in this field. You specify record level view settings on the Record Access tab in Settings > Security > Roles.

Labor Display

Labor Sorting

Field Description
Primary From the drop-down list in this field, select one of the following options to sort and group labor charges on invoices:
  • None
  • By name
  • By employee type
  • By category: When you select this option, you must select a rate table in the Table field below the Primary field.
  • By labor code: When you select this option, you must select a rate table in the Table field below the Primary field.
Primary Sort Table This field is enabled when you select By category or By labor code in the Primary field.

From the drop-down list in this field, select a rate table from the Billing Rate Table Lookup to use to retrieve information such as the rate established for an employee. You can use the same category or labor code table for sorting that you used to determine the rates.

Secondary From the drop-down list in this field, select one of the following options as the secondary sort that is used after the primary sort to sort and group labor charges on an invoice.
Secondary Sort Table
  • None
  • By name
  • By employee type
  • By category: When you select this option, you must select a rate table in the Table field below the Primary field.
  • By labor code: When you select this option, you must select a rate table in the Table field below the Primary field.
This field is enabled when you select By category or By labor code in the Secondary field.

From the drop-down list in this field, select a rate table from the Billing Rate Table Lookup to use to retrieve information such as the rate established for an employee. You can use the same category or labor code table for sorting that you used to determine the rates.

Timesheet Details

Field Description
Timesheet Detail Select this check box to include timesheet details on the project's invoice and enable the fields that allow you to choose the timesheet details to display on a project's billing invoices. If you do not select this option, a summary of the total labor prints on the invoices.

The summary is sorted and summarized based on the primary and secondary sort that you enter in the Primary and Secondary fields in the Labor Sorting section on this tab. If you do not enter primary or secondary labor sorting, a one-line summary of total labor displays on invoices.

Show Comments Select this check box to show comments on the invoice. Vantagepoint prints one line for each employee, including the employee name, hours, rate (if the Show Rates option is selected), and the extended amount. The comments print on an additional line beneath the employee name.

If the same comment is entered on multiple lines for an employee, the comments are consolidated into one line on the invoice. Timesheet lines with different comments display as separate lines on the invoice. Therefore, an employee may appear several times on the invoice.

If you are using the By Labor Code method, one line appears for each employee/comment/labor code combination for which the employee has posted time.

Show Dates Select this check box to print timesheet dates. Vantagepoint prints one line for each employee, including the employee name, timesheet date, hours, rate (if the Show Rates option is selected), and the extended amount.
Show Employee As From the drop-down list in this field, select one of the following options to specify how to identify the timesheet labor detail on a project's billing invoice.
  • Employee Name: Select this option to show only the employee's name to identify a timesheet line item on a project's invoices.
  • Employee Title: Select this option to show only the employee's title to identify a timesheet line item on a project's invoices.
  • Labor Category Description: Select this option to show only the labor category description to identify a timesheet line item on a project's invoices. This is useful when you want to show the role or category for the timesheet line without displaying the employee's name. When you select this option, you also select a billing rate table in the Table field. Vantagepoint uses this table to determine the labor category description.
  • Labor Code Description: Select this option to show only the labor code description to identify a timesheet line item on a project's invoices. This option is useful when you want to show the labor code for a timesheet line item without displaying the employee's name. When you select this option, you also select a billing rate table in the Table field. Vantagepoint uses this table to determine the labor code description.
Table This field is enabled if you selected Labor Category Description or Labor Code Description in the Show Employee As field. The table that you enter in this field determines the labor category or labor code description that will show on a project's invoices. From the drop-down list in this field, select a rate table from the Billing Rate Table lookup.

Rate Display

Field Description
Show Rates Select this check box to print the labor rate for each employee, category, or labor code on the invoice. Vantagepoint prints one line, including the employee or category name, rate, and the extended amount for each employee/category.

To display additional employee timesheet detail, use the Timesheet Detail options.

If you use the By Labor Code method, one line displays for each employee, for each labor code to which the employee has posted time.

Show Multipliers Select this check box to display the explicit multipliers (multiplier factors 2 and 3) before the Total Labor line on the invoice. If you do not select this check box, Vantagepoint does not display the explicit multipliers. Instead, the amount is included implicitly in the Total Labor line. See the Labor Multiplier help topic for more information.

Multiplier factor 1 is automatically built into the cost rate and is included in the employee’s rate on the invoice.

Show Overtime Multiplier Select this check box to display the standard or secondary overtime multiplier, the premium amount prior to markup, and the premium amount after markup before the Total Labor line on the invoice. If you do not select this option, Vantagepoint displays a line for the overtime premium and the fully marked up billing amount, without showing multipliers or premiums.

This option is relevant only if you are using the Bill ovt premium as cost overtime method.

Flag Overrides Select this check box to mark with an asterisk all employee names on the invoice whose billing rates are derived/determined from an override table.

Expense Display

Field Description
Show Detail Select this option to display all reimbursable expense transaction detail (including transaction type, description, transaction date, vendor name, and so on). To show only totals for the account, category, or vendor, clear this option.
Multiplier Select this option to display the reimbursable expense multiplier on the project’s invoice. If you are using the same multiplier for both your reimbursable and consultant expenses, the multiplier prints on the total line. If any of the multipliers differ, due to the use of expense tables, Vantagepoint calculates and prints the transactions according to the multiplier.
Purchase Order Line Item Details Select this check box to display a Quantity and Unit Price field on the Billing Expense Modify dialog box and the Billing Expense Transfer dialog box in Interactive Billing for the project. (In the grid on the Expenses tab in Interactive Billing, you click Modify or Transfer to open these dialog boxes.) This allows you to change, for billing purposes, the quantity of the reimbursable expense items that were generated from vouchers that you created using Transaction Center > Create Voucher from PO. When you change the quantity in Interactive Billing, the billing amount is recalculated, but the accounts payable voucher and purchase order are not impacted. You cannot change the unit price in Interactive Billing.

When you select this check box, the quantity and unit price also display on the billing invoice.

Consultant Display

Field Description
Show Detail Select this option to display all consultant expense transaction detail (including transaction type, description, transaction date, vendor name, and so on).

To show only totals for the account, category, or vendor, clear this option.

Show Multiplier Select this option to display the consultant expense multiplier on the project’s invoice.

If you are using the same multiplier for both your reimbursable and consultant expenses, the multiplier prints on the total line. If any of the multipliers differ, due to the use of expense tables, Vantagepoint calculates and prints the transactions according to the multiplier.

Purchase Order Line Item Details Select this check box to display a Quantity field and a Unit Price field on the Billing Expense Modify dialog box and the Billing Expense Transfer dialog box in Interactive Billing for the project. (In the grid on the Expenses tab in Interactive Billing, you click Modify or Transfer to open these dialog boxes.) This allows you to change, for billing purposes, the quantity of consultant expense items that were generated from vouchers that you created using Transaction Center > Create Voucher from PO. When you change the quantity in Interactive Billing, the billing amount is recalculated, but the accounts payable voucher and purchase order are not impacted. You cannot change the unit price in Interactive Billing.

When you select this check box, the quantity and unit price also display on the billing invoice.

Unit Display

Field Description
Show Detail Select this option to determine the level of unit detail to display for each unit individually. If you select this option, the level and type of detail for each unit is based on the following options in the Unit hub. If you clear this option, all unit billing detail is consolidated into one line on the invoice.
Show Multiplier Select this option to print the unit multiplier on the invoice. Vantagepoint uses the same multiplier for all of the units; the multiplier is calculated and displayed on the total line.

Due Date

Field Description
Days Before Due Enter the number of days after the invoice date or the period end date that the invoice is due for payment. When you make an entry in this field, Vantagepoint enables the Pay Terms and Display Due Date on Invoice options. Vantagepoint uses these settings to assign due dates to invoices that you generate from Interactive Billing or Batch Billing.
Pay Terms Choose one of the following options:
  • From Invoice Date: Select this option to calculate due dates by adding the number of days in Days Before Due to the invoice date.
  • From Period End Date: Select this option to calculate due dates by adding the number of days in Days Before Due to the period end date.
Display Due Date on Invoice Select this check box to include the due date on the invoice.

AR Printing

Field Description
Project AR Select this check box to display a list of outstanding accounts receivable invoices at the project level of the WBS in an additional Outstanding Invoices section on the invoice.
Phase AR

Select this check box to print accounts receivable breakout at the phase level, regardless of whether you have tasks, in an Outstanding Invoices section of an invoice.

This check box is available only if the project is set up with at least two levels of WBS. It is not available if you select Consolidate Printing of Phases.

AR Breakout

Select this check box to show accounts receivable at the lowest level of the current project's WBS for a project with three WBS levels. For example, if a project has three phases and phase 1 and 2 have two tasks, but phase 3 has no tasks, Vantagepoint breaks detail out to the task level for phases 1 and 2, and breaks detail out to the phase level for phase 3. Vantagepoint prints phase and task detail in the Outstanding Invoices section of an invoice.

This check box is available only if the project is set up with three levels of WBS. It is not available if you select Consolidate Printing of Phases or Consolidate Printing of Tasks.

AR Phase Totals

Select this option to print accounts receivable subtotals as the last section for the specific phase, calculating totals for each phase by adding the total accounts receivable amounts for each phase's tasks. Vantagepoint calculates and prints an Outstanding Invoices section for each phase that has detail at the task level, adding the total of all task detail to the appropriate phase's Outstanding Invoices section.

This option is available only if the project is set up with three levels of WBS. This option is not available if you select Consolidate Printing of Phases or Consolidate Printing of Tasks.


Field Description
Project Billed-to-Date Select this check box to print the billed-to-date amounts at the project level of the WBS in an additional Billings to Date invoice section on an invoice.
Billed-to-Date Received Total Select this check box to print the total payments (or amount) that have been received in each project's Billings to Date section.
Billed-to-Date Breakout Select this check box to show billed-to-date amounts at the lowest level of the current project's WBS for a project with three WBS levels. Vantagepoint prints each project's phase and task detail in a section called Billings to Date.

This check box is available only if the project is set up with three levels of WBS. It is not available if you select Consolidate Printing of Phases or Consolidate Printing of Tasks.

Phase Billed-to-Date Select this check box to print the billed-to-date amounts at the phase level, in an invoice section called Billings to Date, for all phases, regardless of whether task detail exists.

This check box is available only if the project is set up with at least two levels of WBS. It is not available if you select Consolidate Printing of Phases.

Billed-to-Date AR Balance Total Select this check box to print the total amount of all outstanding invoices for the project in the project's Billings to Date section.
Billed-to-Date Phase Totals Select this check box to print billed-to-date subtotals for each phase by adding the total billed-to-date amounts for each phase's tasks. Vantagepoint prints the subtotal beneath the task breakout in each project's Billings to Date section.

This check box is available only if the project is set up with three levels of WBS. It is not available if you select Consolidate Printing of Phases or Consolidate Printing of Tasks.

Draft Invoices Options

Field Description
Print Invoices with Zero Amount Due Select this check box to print an invoice for the project even when there are no current billings as long as the project has fee terms established in its billing terms and/or an outstanding accounts receivable amount. Both draft and final invoices will print in Interactive Billing or Batch Billing when you select this option.
Printing invoices with a zero amount due is useful:
  • To identify projects for which fee terms have not been properly updated.
  • If you use pre-invoices and you want to send a client a zero-amount invoice when the client has completely paid their pre-invoices, and the amount paid matches the amount of the regular invoice.