Contents of the Transaction Settings Form

Specify the transaction settings, including project update conditions, transaction grouping, automatic numbering options, and approval settings.

Global Transaction Options Section

Options in this section apply to all your transactions, across all companies.

Field Description
Update Project Team when Posting Labor Select Yes to have the Team tab of Projects hub and Employees hub automatically updated when employees post time to a regular or promotional project.
Update Project Vendor Association when Posting Vouchers Select Yes to have the Team tab of Projects hub and Employees hub automatically updated when AP vouchers are posted to a regular or promotional project.
Enable Option to Update BTD for Journal Entries to Revenue BTD means billed-to-date. Select Yes to have Vantagepoint include the amount of all journal entries when it calculates job-to-date billings for the referenced project. It is important that you select Yes if you use a billing-based revenue method for projects and plan to make journal entries to a revenue account.

Company-Specific Options Section

The remaining options on this form apply only to the currently active company.

Field Description
Use Files to Group Transactions Select Yes to group your transactions in batches. Select No to post transaction files individually.
Warning: If you select No, all recurring transaction data entry files will be deleted and your posted files will no longer be available in Transaction Entry. You must post all in-progress transactions before you can choose this option.
Ignore Control Totals When Posting Transaction Files Select Yes to post transaction files in which the input totals do not match the control total in the transaction entry New File dialog box. A one-sided entry cannot be entered into Vantagepoint at any time. If this option is selected, a warning message displays before you post if the file is not in balance; however, you can post the file anyway.

If you select No, your input totals must match your control totals before you can post a file.

Require Transaction Dates to be Within the Active Fiscal Year Select Yes to require that transaction dates be within the currently active fiscal year. Select both Yes and Require Transaction Dates to be Within the Active Accounting Period to require transaction dates within the currently active accounting period.

It is important that you post all open transaction files and payment processing runs before you enable this transaction date validation. If you do not, you may find that you cannot open a transaction file in the current period and you cannot change transaction dates when you open the file in a prior period.

Require Transaction Dates to be Within the Active Accounting Period To require that transaction dates be within the currently active accounting period, first select Yes for Require Transaction Dates to be Within the Active Fiscal Year and then select Yes for this option.

Transaction Auto Numbering Options Section

Bank Transactions Grid

Use the Bank Transactions grid to define the automatic numbering settings for the following for each of your banks:
  • Payment (check) numbers for AP disbursements and cash disbursements that you enter in Transaction Center > Transaction Entry.
  • Payment numbers for vendor, employee, and payroll payments that you enter in Cash Management > Vendor Payments, Cash Management > Employee Payments, and Payroll > Payroll Processing (in the desktop application). This includes numbers for paper checks and electronic payments (ACH/NACHA, SEPA, direct deposits, wires, and direct debits).
  • Reference numbers for cash receipts and employee repayments that you enter in Transaction Center > Transaction Entry.

Much of the information for Vantagepoint is entered and displayed in grids on various forms. For information about using grids, see Working with Grids.

Field Description
+ Add Bank Click this option to add a bank to the Bank Transactions grid and enter auto-numbering options for the bank.
Bank Code Click in this field and then select the bank code of a bank for which to set up automatic numbering.
Receipts Select this check box to use auto numbering for the reference number for cash receipts and employee repayments that are entered in Transaction Center > Transaction Entry. When you post a transaction, Vantagepoint applies to the receipt the number that is entered in the Next Receipt Reference Number field in this grid.
Next Receipt Reference Number Enter the reference number for the next receipt entered. Vantagepoint automatically updates the reference with the next sequential number for each additional receipt. You can change this number if needed.

Select this check box to use automatic numbering for check and payment numbers for payments made by the bank for the following:

  • Payments made as AP disbursements and cash disbursements in Transaction Center > Transaction Entry.
  • Payment made in Vendor Payments and Employee Payments (in Cash Management) and Payroll Processing (in Payroll in the desktop application).

When you select this check box, the Payments to Autonumber, Autonumber Prefix, and Next Payment Reference Number fields in this grid are enabled for you to complete.

Payments to Autonumber

This field is enabled when you select the Payments check box in the grid.

Select the type of payments for the bank that will use automatic numbering:

  • All Payments: All types of payments will be numbered automatically. This includes paper checks and electronic payments (ACH/NACHA, SEPA, direct deposits, wires, and direct debits).
  • Electronic Payments: Only electronic payment types will be numbered automatically. This includes ACH/NACHA, SEPA, direct deposits, wires, and direct debits. A vendor, employee, or payroll payment run can include a mix of electronic and non-electronic payments. Only the electronic payments in the run will be automatically assigned payment numbers.
Autonumber Prefix

This field is enabled when you select the Payments check box in the grid.

If you want to use a prefix for the automatic numbers for the bank, enter the prefix in this field. The prefix can be alphabetical or numerical. The prefix is added to the numbers that are generated automatically based on the number that you enter in the Next Payment Reference Number field in this grid. The combined length of the prefix and the next payment reference number cannot exceed the field length that is entered for reference numbers in Utilities > Key Formats > Reference Numbers.

Next Payment Reference Number

This field is enabled when you select the Payments check box in the grid.

Enter the check or payment number for the next payment that will be processed using automatic numbering for the bank. As you process payments, the number in this field is automatically updated and sequentially incremented to reflect the current automatic number to use for the next payment. The combined length of the prefix in the Autonumber Prefix field (if you entered one) and the next payment reference number cannot exceed the field length that is established for reference numbers in Utilities > Key Formats > Reference Numbers.

Next Payment Reference Number This field shows you the combined prefix and next payment reference number that you entered in the AutoNumber Prefix field and the Next Payment Reference Number field in the grid.
Last System Generated Voucher Reference Number for Companies Not Listed Below This field displays the last system-generated voucher number. Use this number as a reference to avoid entering duplicates when you enter your next reference number in the Transaction Entry Auto Numbering grid.

Transaction Entry Auto Numbering Grid

Use this grid to set up automatic numbering of reference numbers for journal entries and automatic numbering of voucher numbers for AP vouchers. This includes vouchers that you enter in AP Voucher Transaction Entry, AP Disbursement Transaction Entry, and in the Create Voucher from PO application. If you have multiple companies set up in Vantagepoint, you can set up automatic numbering by company.

Much of the information for Vantagepoint is entered and displayed in grids on various forms. For information about using grids, see Working with Grids.

Field Description
Transaction Type Use the drop-down list to select the transaction type for which to assign automatic numbering: AP Vouchers or Journal Entries.

AP Vouchers appears in the drop-down list only if the Require Entry of Voucher Numbers check box is not selected inSettings > Cash Management > Accounts Payable. When you select Vouchers, this turns on auto numbering for AP vouchers that are entered through AP Voucher Transaction Entry, AP Disbursement Transaction Entry, and Create Voucher from PO in the Accounts Payable application. A voucher number is automatically assigned to these transactions when you post them.

Starting Voucher and Ending Voucher Fields These fields display only if you have multiple companies and you are automatically assigning numbers for AP vouchers. The fields are enabled only when you select AP Vouchers in the Transaction Type field for a row in the grid.

Enter a starting and ending voucher number to use for automatically assigned voucher numbers for a company. This allows you to maintain a separate sequence of voucher numbers for each of your companies. The start and end range cannot overlap with the voucher numbers for another company.

The voucher numbers are automatically assigned when you post AP vouchers, AP disbursements, and vouchers that are created from purchase orders. If you get to the point where you have used up all the voucher numbers in the range, you receive a message when you post vouchers. To resolve this, you can extend the voucher number range or enter a completely new range to avoid overlapping voucher numbers with another company.

Next Reference Number Enter the number to automatically use as the next reference number for a journal entry or the next voucher number for an AP voucher, depending on the type of transaction you entered in the Transaction Type field. After you enter a number in this field, Vantagepoint automatically updates the field with the next sequential number as transactions are posted. You can change the number in this field at any time, but you cannot change it to a number that has already been used.

When you enter a starting and ending voucher number in the Starting Voucher and Ending Voucher fields for AP vouchers, the next reference number must be within the starting and ending voucher range. You cannot change the next reference number to a number that has already been used.

Diary Auto Numbering Options Section

Use these options to set up diaries and automatic numbering for them. This allows you to assign diaries to transactions and produce diary reports that contain a subset of sequentially numbered transactions that have been posted to the general ledger during the fiscal year or fiscal periods.

You can set up different types of diaries to assign to a different group of transactions, such as purchase transactions or sales transactions. You set up diaries by diary type and company (if you have multiple companies), and you assign each diary either a fiscal period or fiscal year for which it applies.

Field Description
Include Diaries Assigned to Closed Periods Select Yes to include diaries that are assigned to closed periods in the Diary Auto Numbering grid.

Diaries Grid

When you set up a diary in this grid for the fiscal period or fiscal year in which you are entering transactions, a Diary field displays in various places throughout Vantagepoint. You must enter a diary code for all transactions entered in these various places.

If you have multiple companies:
  • You must set up diaries and diary auto numbering by company in this grid.
  • You must set up a diary using the Deltek-provided IC (Intercompany Diary) diary type to capture intercompany transactions.

Deltek recommends that you post all open transaction files and payment processing runs before you set up diaries.

After you set up a diary in the grid, you cannot change any information in the grid for it. Instead, you can delete the diary row in the grid if no transactions have been assigned a diary number for the diary.

Note: The PSA module does not include the diary feature, so these diary auto numbering options are not available if that module is activated.

Much of the information for Vantagepoint is entered and displayed in grids on various forms. For information about using grids, see Working with Grids.

Field Description
Diary Type Use the drop-down list to select a diary type, such as purchases diary or sales diary. You set up diary types in the Diary Type code table in Settings > Labels and Lists > Lists. This allows you to produce different diary reports for different types of transactions.
Diary Description The description for the diary type that you selected in the Diary Type field displays in this field.
Period Use this drop-down list to select the fiscal period or fiscal year for which the diary applies. After you set up a diary for a fiscal period or fiscal year, a Diary field displays in various places throughout Vantagepoint when you have that fiscal period or fiscal year open in Vantagepoint. You must enter a diary code for all the various transactions that you enter in that fiscal period or fiscal year. This ensures that diary reports contain the transactions from specific fiscal periods or a fiscal year.

In the drop-down list, fiscal periods are designated as <period>/<year>, such as 01/2019 and 02/2019 for January 2019 and February 2019. A fiscal year is designated as 0/<year>. For example, 0/2019 is the fiscal year for 2019. Only active periods and fiscal years display in the list.

When you select the fiscal year for a diary, the diary contains transactions for the whole year. When you select a specific fiscal period for a diary, the diary contain transactions for only the specific period.

For diaries that you create with the same diary type and company within the same fiscal year, you must set up either one fiscal-year diary or multiple diaries for each fiscal period of the fiscal year. You cannot have a mix of both fiscal year and fiscal periods within the same fiscal year.

If you select IC- in the Diary Type field in this grid, you must select a fiscal year in the Period field. IC (Intercompany Diary) is a diary type that comes with Vantagepoint if you have multiple companies.

Diary Code Enter an alphanumeric code (up to 10 digits) for the diary. This is the code that you select from the drop-down list in a Diary field in various places throughout Vantagepoint when you assign a diary to a transaction or processing run.

You can use the same diary code only for another diary of the same diary type and same company. For example, you can use the same diary code for a diary for company A that has a Sales diary type for period 01/2019 and a diary for company A that has a Sales diary type for period 02/2019. You cannot use the same diary code for different diary types or different companies.

Next Diary Number Enter the diary number to be automatically assigned to the next transaction for which the diary is entered. The diary number is assigned to a transaction when you save the transaction or when you process a run such as for accounts payable payment processing. When a diary number is assigned to a transaction, the number in this field updates appropriately. You can change the number in this field at any time.

Transaction Center Approval Options Section

Use these settings to set up the Transaction Center approval feature. When this feature is turned on, an approver reviews transaction entry files in the Transaction Center before the files are posted.

In this section, you choose the transaction types for which the approval process applies, set up employees as approvers who review, reject, and approve the contents of the submitted transaction entry files, and select other posting and editing options.

If you do not include a transaction type in the approval process, files do not need to be approved. After they are submitted, their status automatically changes to approved and they are immediately available to post. If you use alerts, approved alerts are sent instead of submitted alerts.

When you enable the approval feature for a transaction type, the following rules apply:

  • Employees who are designated as Transaction Center approvers can use the Approve and Reject options on the Transaction Center entry form.
  • The Transaction Center entry form includes Status, Approved By/Rejected By, and Reject Reason fields.
  • A Status column displays in the Transaction Entry Form lookup and on the Transaction List Report.
Field Description
Enable Transaction Center Approvals Select Yes to turn on the Transaction Center approval feature.

When you enable this feature, the following changes occur:

  • All the options in this section are enabled so that you can enter settings for the approval feature.
  • An Approval Status column displays on the Transaction Entry form and Transaction Lists form in the Transaction Center.
  • A Submit File option is available for Transaction Entry forms for the transaction types for which the Transaction Center Approvals feature has been turned on.
  • The following alerts are available in the Transaction Center folder of Alerts Settings (Settings > Accounting > Alerts):
    • Transaction Entry File Approved
    • Transaction Entry Form Rejected
    • Transaction Entry File Submitted
Enable for all Transaction Types This option is available when you select Yes for Enable Transaction Center Approvals.

Select Yes to turn on the Transaction Center approval feature for all transaction types. When you select No, the Transaction Type grid displays below this option, so you can select which transaction types require approvals.

Transaction Types Grid

This grid is enabled when you select No for Enable for all transaction types. Use this grid to select individual transactions types for the approval process.

Much of the information for Vantagepoint is entered and displayed in grids on various forms. For information about using grids, see Working with Grids.

Field Description
Transaction Type Click in this field and select the type of transaction for which you want to apply the approval feature.
Require completed approvals to post transaction files Select Yes to require all forms within submitted transaction entry files to be approved before the file is posted.

Select No if you do not require submitted transaction entry files to be approved before the file is posted. This means that transaction entry files with either a submitted or approved status can be posted.

Allow submitted transaction files to be edited Select Yes if you want to allow users (including non-system approvers) to modify and resubmit transaction entry files that have a submitted status.

Select No if you want to allow users to view but not modify transaction entry files after they are submitted. When No is selected:

  • Users can modify forms within a submitted transaction entry file only if a reviewer rejects a form.
  • Approvers who are not system approvers can only approve and reject forms within a submitted transaction entry file; they cannot modify them.
  • System approvers can modify submitted transaction entry files regardless of whether or not Yes is selected; they are not affected by this option.

Approvers Grid

This grid is available when you select Yes for Enable transaction center approvals. Select employees who can approve submitted transaction entry files.

Much of the information for Vantagepoint is entered and displayed in grids on various forms. For information about using grids, see Working with Grids.

Field Description
Employee Click + Add Approver and select the employee who will complete the approval.
System Approvals Select this check box if you want an approver to be allowed to perform any of the following actions for any transaction entry file submitted by any employee at any time: Edit, Resubmit, Approve, or Reject.
Employees To Approve For Click in this field and select one or more employees whose submitted transaction entry files the employee designated as the approver will approve. You can select as many employees as needed. Approvers who are not set up as system approvers must be included on the grid so that they can approve their own edits.

If you are setting up an approver for transactions imported through the Import Utility, Vantagepoint uses the submitter instead of the creator to determine the approver of the record.