View Data from Previous Expense Payments

You can view the data associated with previously printed expense payments, such as the payment date, amount, and whether or not any portion of the amount was processed via direct deposit.

To view the data from previously printed expense payments:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select My Stuff > Self Service.

    If you use multiple companies, the employee may be associated with more than one company. The information that Vantagepoint displays is based on the company that the current record is associated with. The name of this company displays next to the employee name.

  2. On the Self Service form, open your employee record.
    Your record opens automatically if the Automatically retrieve your record in Employee Hub/Employee Review option is selected on the General tab of My Preferences.
  3. Click the Expense tab.
    Vantagepoint displays the data in the Expense Payments grid.
  4. In the Payment Number column, click the hyperlinked payment number for the payment you want to view.
    An Employee Expense Check report opens in a new browser window, which you can review, download, print, or email the report using preview page options.