Client Address on Billing Invoices

On the Accounting tab of the Projects hub, you select a billing client and the client's address from the Firms hub to use for invoices generated for a project in the Billing application.

The billing client's address that is specified on the Overview tab in the Firms hub as the default address to use for billing is automatically selected when you enter a billing client for a project in the Projects hub. However, you can select a different address to bill (in the Address Description field) in the Projects hub for the billing client as needed if a firm has multiple addresses entered for it in the Firms hub.

The billing client and its billing address entered for a project in the Projects hub also displays in the Summary pane in Billing Terms for a project. You can choose a different address for the billing client in Billing Terms. When you change the billing address in Billing Terms, it is also changed automatically in the Projects hub, so that the Projects hub and Billing Terms display the same billing address.

When you generate invoices in Interactive Billing or Batch Billing, the address that displays on an invoice is the address specified for the billing client in a project's billing terms or on the Accounting tab in the Projects hub for the project. At the beginning of each billing session in Interactive Billing or Batch Billing, you select what to print above the billing address on invoices. In the Invoice Addressee field in the Billing Session Options dialog box, you can choose to print the name of the billing client, the billing contact, both the billing client and contact, or the text from address line 1 for the billing client's address entered in the Firms hub.