Cost/Pay Labor Category Tables

Use the Cost/Pay Labor Category Tables form to set up rates to override the cost and/or pay rate entered for the labor category that is associated with the hours on an employee’s timesheet.

If Payroll is not installed, this form is titled "Cost Labor Category Tables."

Labor categories are standard staff roles, such as, architect and project manager. You can assign cost/pay labor category rate tables to a project in the Projects hub when the project will define the cost/pay rate for labor categories for the employees working on the project. Employees can have multiple cost/pay rates using different labor categories.

You can also use the cost/pay labor category tables to define effective dates for cost and pay rates for labor categories assigned to employees and assign the tables to employees in the Employees hub. An effective date is the date on which to begin using the rate. Vantagepoint looks at the detail dates for an employee 's timesheet and for payroll processing to apply the correct rate to labor charges.

Create a cost/pay labor category table that can override cost rates, pay rates, or both. Add labor categories to it and their override rates and effective dates. Then for each labor category, specify each employee that the override rate applies for. Assign the table to a project, employee, or both.

A table will not work unless it lists at least one category. Each category in a table can have one row that does not specify an effective date; you can use this row to indicate a default rate to use if no other row has an applicable effective date.

You can assign a cost/pay labor category table to projects, employees, or both in the following locations:

  • In the Projects hub: Assign cost/pay labor category tables on the Accounting tab in the Cost and Pay Rates section. In the Cost Method field, select From Category Rate Table. Then select the appropriate cost labor category table in the Cost Table field. In the Pay Method field, select From Category Rate Table, and then select the appropriate pay labor category table in the Pay Table field.
  • In the Employees hub: Assign a cost labor category table in the Job Cost section on the Accounting tab. In the Cost Rate Table Method field, select From Category Rate Table. Then select the appropriate cost labor category table in the Cost Rate Table field. Assign a pay labor category table in the Payroll Information section of the Payroll tab. In the Pay Rate Table Method field, select From Category Rate Table. Then select the appropriate pay labor category table in the Pay Rate Table field.

To determine cost amounts, timesheet postings first look to the cost labor category table assigned to the project, then to the cost labor category table assigned to the employee, and finally to the cost rate for the labor category entered directly for the employee. Vantagepoint uses the first rate it finds.

To determine an employee’s pay, payroll processing first looks to the pay labor category table for the project, then to the pay labor category table for the employee, and finally to the employee pay rate. Vantagepoint uses the first pay rate it finds.