Undoing an Asset Item Split

You can reverse the splitting of an asset item.

You cannot use Utilities > Transactions > Undo Posting to undo (reverse) the posting for an asset item split.

However, you can complete the following to achieve the same results to recreate the source asset item and remove the one or more receiving asset items that the source asset item was split into:

Asset Item Reversing Action to Take
Source Asset Item If the source asset was split completely (no amounts remained for it and it was automatically disposed):
  • In the Equipment hub, manually recreate the source asset item, and:
    • Add cost rows in the Acquisition Cost grid on the GL Cost tab to add back costs that were removed in the split.
    • Correct the salvage amount in the Less Salvage Value field on the GL Cost tab.
  • In Utilities > History Loading > Asset Management, make an adjustment to add back the accumulated depreciation amount that was moved out.

If the source asset item did not have all of its costs split into the receiving asset items (it was not disposed and it remained active with some amount of cost to be depreciated), complete the above bulleted items for the source asset item that remains active in the Equipment hub.

Receiving Asset Item For each receiving asset item that has costs from the source asset item that you need to reverse, complete either of the following:
  • If the receiving asset item should no longer exist and not have depreciation processed for it, change the status of the asset item to Inactive in the Asset Status field on the GL Book tab in the Equipment hub.
  • If the receiving asset item should still exist and have depreciation processed for it, but without the amounts that were moved to it from the source asset item, complete the following:
    • In the Acquisition Cost grid on the GL Cost tab in the Equipment hub, clear the Include check box for the cost that does not belong.
    • On the GL Cost tab in the Equipment hub, correct the salvage amount in the Less Salvage Value field.
    • In Utilities > History Loading > Asset Management, make an adjustment to correct the accumulated depreciation amount for the asset item.