Contents of the Screen Designer Form

Use the field and options on the Screen Designer form in the browser application to customize hubs and the chart of accounts.


Left Side of the Screen Designer Form

The left side of the Screen Designer form displays the Expense Report application with all its existing fields, grids, and so on. As you use the actions in the actions bar and the fields in the properties pane on the right side of the Screen Designer form to add elements (divider lines, labels, and workflow buttons) to the Expense Report application, those elements are added and displayed on the left side of the Screen Designer form. The user-defined elements that you add are displayed with beside them.

When you select (click) an element on the left side of the Screen Designer form, its properties display in the properties pane on the right side of the Screen Designer form.

Search Field

Field Description
Find Field Caption/ID Search

Use this field above the properties pane to locate fields in the Expense Report application on the Screen Designer form. The search looks for both the field names and database column identifiers. The field names are the actual names that display on the Screen Designer forms. The field identifiers are the database column names for each field.

In this field, enter the field name or database column identifier that you want to find and then press ENTER on your keyboard.

The number of matches found displays below the Find Field Caption/ID search field. For example, Files Found: 4 indicates that four associated fields were located.

When multiple matches are found, click or to scroll through the results on the forms and tabs. As each field is located, the Screen Designer jumps to and selects the field so that the respective properties display in the properties pane.

Field/Grid Properties Pane

This pane is located on the right side of the Screen Designer form. The title of this pane and the fields in it vary, based on the element (field, grid, workflow button, and so on) that you select on the left side of Screen Designer form.

In this pane, enter the properties for new elements that you add to Expense Report, or view or change the properties for existing elements. Properties include things such as the element's label, a tooltip, and settings that lock or hide the element from users based on security roles.

Field Description
Field Type

This field displays the type for the selected element on the Screen Designer form, which you cannot change.

The field types for grids, workflow buttons, labels, and divider lines are: Grid, Button, Label, and Divider.

Field ID

This field displays the database name for the element that you select on the Screen Designer form.


Enter, view, or change the name for the element, such as a label or button. The caption is the element's name that users see in the Expense Report application and wherever that field displays through Vantagepoint, such as in searches, reports, and workflows.

For labels (blocks of text), click in the Caption field to open the Caption dialog box where you can see all the text as you type it in a large text box. Press the ENTER key on your keyboard to add text in a new row. Click in the text box toolbar to display the text editor tools for formatting the text. You can change font style and size of the text, add bulleting, and so on.

If you use multiple languages in Vantagepoint, you must enter the caption in each different language that you use. To do this, log in to Vantagepoint separately in each language, and in Screen Designer, enter the text in the Caption field in the language that you logged in with.

Field Security

This field displays when you select fields, grids, divider lines, labels, and workflow buttons on the Screen Designer form. When you click the Field Security field, it opens the Field Security Rights dialog box, which you use to hide or display field, grid, grid column, divider lines, labels (screen text), and workflow buttons.

After you specify the field security for an element for a role on the dialog box, <Roles Selected> displays in the Field Security field in the Field Properties pane to indicate that field security settings have been applied.


This field displays for grids and divider lines that you select on the Screen Designer form. Enter the text that you want users to view when they click beside a field or divider line. For example, you may want to enter more specific instructions or information about what to enter in the field.

Click in the Tooltip field to expand and display the field in the Tooltip dialog box. This allows you to easily see all the tooltip text as you enter it. This is helpful especially for larger amounts of text.

If you use multiple languages in Vantagepoint, you must enter the text for a tooltip in each different language that you use. To do this, log in to Vantagepoint in each language that you have enabled, and in Screen Designer, enter the text in the Tooltip field in the language that you logged in with.


This field displays for divider lines that you select on the Screen Designer form. The options in this field control where the divider line is placed in relation to the divider line caption text that you enter in the Caption field (in the Field Properties section). Select one of the following options:

  • 1: This places the divider line below the caption text.
  • 2: This places the divider line at the same level as the caption text.
  • 3: Only the caption text displays. The divider line is omitted.

This field displays only for workflow buttons that you select on the Screen Designer form. Select the scheduled workflow to start when users click this button for a hub record. These are the scheduled workflows that you set up in Settings > Workflow > Scheduled Workflows.