Create a New Proposal Template

When you create a new proposal template from scratch, you define the template's properties and add proposal elements, records, and other information for reuse.

This option displays if your enterprise uses CRM Plus.

To create a new proposal template:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Proposals > Templates.
  2. On the Templates form, click +Add Proposal Template beneath the Proposal Templates grid.
  3. On the Add Proposal Template dialog box, define the new proposal template's:
    • Name: Enter a unique name for the template.
    • Category: Select a category for the template. Use the categories to organize the templates by function. You can also search the templates by category. Your administrator defines proposal categories in Settings > Labels and Lists.
    • Description : Enter a description for the template. For example, specify how it is used and for what types of proposals.
  4. Click Save on the dialog box.

    The Proposal Builder automatically opens. Building proposal templates follows the same process as building proposals. Refer to these procedures for detailed information:

    Procedure Related Information
    Define properties for the proposal template. Define the Proposal Properties
    Define document properties for the proposal template. These are the default properties for page orientation and margins. Define Document Properties
    Insert elements on the proposal template, including text boxes, images, and so on. Work with Proposal Elements

    Add hub records to the proposal.

    Drag the Record Vantagepoint element onto the proposal to display the Add Record dialog box:
    • Select the hub from which you want to add the records.
    • Choose records from the selected hub to add to the proposal.
    • Specify the number of images that you want to add to each record within the proposal.
    • Click Add to add the records to the proposal. Vantagepoint inserts each record into a separate section within the proposal.
    To change the records used in proposals based on a template, leave records as drafts. For example, if you typically have 3 project examples, but you change which projects are included for each proposal, leave the project records as drafts.
    Insert a Hub Record
    Add section breaks to the proposal template.

    Insert Section Breaks

    Define Section Properties

    Add pages to the proposal template and format as needed.

    Add Pages to a Proposal

    Define Page Properties

  5. On the Actions bar, click Save.
    After a template is saved, it is available for reuse from the Template field on the New Proposal dialog box or in the Proposal Templates grid of the Templates form.