Turn on and Set Up Automatic Numbering for Payments

You can turn on automatic payment (check) numbering by bank for vendor and employee payments, payroll payment processing, and AP and cash disbursements.

If you have multiple companies in Vantagepoint, you turn on and configure automatic numbering for payments for each company.

When you complete the steps below, the automatic numbering applies by bank for all of the following payments made by a bank: vendor, employee, and payroll payments that you enter in Cash Management > Vendor Payments, Cash Management > Employee Payments, and Payroll > Payroll Processing (in the desktop application), and AP and cash disbursements entered in Transaction Center > Transaction Entry.

To set up automatic numbering for a bank's payments:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Accounting > Transactions.
  2. On the Transaction Settings form, click + Add Bank below the Bank Transactions grid.
  3. In the Bank Codes field in the new row in the grid, select the bank for which you are turning on automatic payment numbering.
  4. Select the Payments check box.
  5. In the Payments to Autonumber field, select whether to use auto numbering for all types of payments or only electronic payments.
    • All types includes paper checks and all electronic payments (ACH/NACHA, SEPA, direct deposits, wires, and direct debits).
    • Electronic payments only includes ACH/NACHA, SEPA, direct deposits, wires, and direct debits.
  6. If you want to enter a prefix for the automatic numbering, enter the prefix in the Autonumber Prefix field.
    You can enter an alphabetical or numerical prefix.
  7. In the Next Payment Reference Number field, enter the number to use for the next payment made by the bank that uses automatic numbering.
    • The combined length of the prefix in the Autonumber Prefix field (if you entered one) and the next payment reference number cannot exceed the field length that is entered for reference numbers in Utilities > Key Formats > Reference Numbers.
    • As you process payments, the number in this field is automatically updated and sequentially incremented to reflect the current automatic number to use for the next payment. You can change this number at any time as needed.
  8. The second Next Payment Reference Number field in the grid shows you the prefix and next payment reference number combined.
  9. Click Save.