Perform an Initial Direct Deposit Test for Vendor Payments

Before you can make electronic ACH payments to vendors, you must complete an initial vendor payment run, which pays the vendors by paper check and also creates a file for your bank to test but not pay.

For this initial vendor payment run, you select vendors whose electronic payment method status is set to Add in the Firms hub. The payment run will pay a vendor by paper check and generate a test file, also known as a pre-notification or pre-note. You send this test file to your bank so they can confirm that they are able to access each vendor's bank account to make future direct deposit ACH payments to the vendors. The test file does not contain AP voucher payments for the bank to make electronically.


  • Configure Accounts Payable and set up your bank and vendors for electronic payments.
  • For each vendor to be included in an initial payment run: Enter the following information on the Electronic Payment Method dialog box that opens from the Vendor tab in the Firms hub when you click beside the Electronic Payment Method field in the Banking Information section:
    • In the Electronic Payment Method field, select NACHA.
    • Enter information for the vendor's bank that will receive the direct deposit when the vendor is paid. This includes the bank ID, account type, account number, and so on.
    • In the Status field, select Add.

To perform an initial direct deposit test for ACH vendor payments:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Cash Management > Vendor Payments.
  2. If the New Payment Run page does not display automatically on the Vendor Payments form, click + New Payment Run at the top of the form.
  3. On the New Payment Run form, enter settings to create a payment run that will include vendors that you are testing for future direct deposit ACH payments.
    In the Payment Type field, select Check/EFT.
  4. Click Create New Run.
  5. On the Select Vouchers page on the Vendor Payments form, select the AP vouchers to pay in the run, and click Process Payments in the actions bar.
    These vouchers will be paid by paper check in the run.
  6. On the Printing and Numbering page of the Vendor Payments form, in the Payments grid for a bank, complete the following:
    1. Click Print Payments to generate a file from which to print checks, and print the checks.
    2. Click Assign Numbersto assign numbers for the paper checks.
    3. Click Other Actions > Print File Copy to print or save a file with a copy of all the checks in the run with numbers assigned and the word "Copy" at the top of each check.
    4. Click Email Remittance to email a payment remittance to vendors.
    5. Click Export to Text to download the ACH test file that you will send to your bank to confirm that the vendors' bank account information is valid for processing future ACH electronic payments for the vendors.
  7. On the Printing and Numbering page, click Post Payments.
  8. Send the ACH test file to your bank.
  9. When your bank confirms that a vendor's account information is valid for future ACH payments, change the entry in the electronic payment method Status field on the Vendor tab in the Firms hub to Active for the vendor.
    When the status is Active, a vendor's payments are made by ACH direct deposit, instead of by paper check, when you process a vendor payment run.