Columns for General Ledger Export Report

You can select the columns to display on your report.


Field Description
Account Code This column displays the alternate code for the account.
Account Description This column displays the description of the account.
Account Number This column displays the number associated with the account.
Amount This column displays the total amount of the transaction.
Auto Entry This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the transaction was an automatic posting.
Bank Code This column displays the code/identifier for the bank involved in the transaction.
Description 1, Description 2 If you select Transaction Detail as a sorting/grouping option, these columns display the descriptions for each transaction detail line.

Vantagepoint stores the following types of descriptions for each transaction:

  • Description 1 is a general description of the transaction (for example, the name of the vendor for an accounts payable voucher).
  • Description 2 is a more specific description of the transaction (for example, the description entered during transaction entry for a single item on a voucher).
Detail Account Number This column displays the detailed version of the account number.
Fiscal Year and Period If you select Transaction Detail as a sorting/grouping option, this column displays the fiscal period in which the transaction was posted.
Organization If your enterprise uses organizations, this column displays the code for the organization that is associated with the record.
Phase This column displays the phase number.
Post Comment This column displays the comments entered during transaction posting.
Posting Date This column displays the date that the transaction was posted.
Posting Sequence This column displays the posting sequence number of the transaction. Vantagepoint assigns sequence number 1 to the first group of transactions posted during an accounting period, sequence number 2 to the second group, and so on.

To see a numbered list of all of the postings for the current accounting period, select Transaction Center > Posting Review in the Navigation pane.

Project This column displays the project number associated with the transaction. If a transaction is not related to a project, no project number displays. No project number displays for balance sheet account transactions, except for accounts receivable transactions.
Reference Number This column displays the reference number for the transaction.
  • If the transaction is an implicit posting or an automatic posting, this column displays Auto.
  • If the transaction is historical, this column displays History.
  • If the transaction is related to revenue generation, this column displays REVGEN.
Sort/Select 1-3 These columns display the sort and select fields that are assigned to this account.
Task This column displays the task number associated with the transaction.
Total Credits This column displays the total credits posted to the account during the reporting period.
Total Debits This column displays the total debits posted to the account during the reporting period.
Trans Type (Post Control) This column displays the transaction type.
Transaction Date For all transactions except automatic postings, this column displays the date entered for the transaction. For automatic postings, this column displays the period-ending date for the file of transactions that generated the posting.
User Name This column displays the user ID of the employee who created the transaction.