Actions Bar for the Plan Form

Use the Actions bar on the Plan form to check out a plan, publish an updated plan, and perform other basic planning tasks.

Changes that you make to a plan are saved automatically. However, until you publish the plan, you can use the Revert Plan action to discard all unpublished changes and restore the plan to its most recent published version.

Commonly Performed Actions

Use the options on the Actions bar to perform common actions quickly. Actions that update plans are not available until you check out the plan.

Field Description
Add JTD Assignments Generally, when you display a project plan, Vantagepoint automatically adds and displays assignments for any labor, expenses, or consultants that have no planned values but have JTD hours or amounts that have been charged to a WBS element in the plan. The only time that the Add JTD Assignments option is available on the Actions bar is when that automatic update does not occur because another user has the plan checked out. In that case, the option displays, and you can click it to update the plan with the missing assignments.
Check Out Select this action to check out and make changes to the plan for the project. This action only displays when the project has an existing plan and that plan is not already checked out to you.

If someone else has the plan checked out and you select this option, a message displays to identify who has it checked out, and included in the message is the person's email address so you can contact them about the plan. If you have the required security access, the message also contains a link that you can click to check in the plan and check it back out to you.

Save Baseline Select this action to save the current plan as the baseline. The baseline acts as a snapshot of planned hours and amounts at a certain point in time and is useful for comparison purposes. You can have only one baseline version for any plan. When you select this option, the existing baseline plan is replaced with the current plan.

After you save the initial baseline, this action is available only if the plan is checked out to you, the date of the current baseline is earlier than the date of the current version of the plan, and your security role is allowed to change the baseline.

While saving a baseline preserves its planned hour and amounts, the work breakdown structure (WBS) of the baseline may change. Vantagepoint automatically keeps the current plan WBS and the baseline plan WBS the same. When you make any change to the WBS of the current plan, a corresponding change is automatically made to the baseline WBS. For some WBS changes, Vantagepoint may also automatically move labor, expenses, and consultant plan assignments so that all planned hours and amounts in the baseline are assigned to lowest-level WBS elements.

Publish Select this action to publish the plan and baseline. This action is available if the plan contains changes that have not yet been published. When you publish the plan, the previously unpublished changes become part of the current plan version, and the plan and baseline are marked as published.

A plan must be published if you want to update it in Resource View or Project View in Resource Management or view the latest version in reports.

Vantagepoint will also ask you if you want to publish a plan if you have it checked out, it contains unpublished changed, and you navigate away from the project without first selecting this action (for example, if you select another project or select a Vantagepoint application outside of the Projects hub).

Other Actions

Click Other Actions to display a menu of these less commonly used actions. Actions that update plans are not available until you have checked out the plan.

Field Description
Add/Edit Labor Codes If you want to enter planning data for a project at the labor code level, select this option to display the Add/Edit Labor Codes dialog box and add labor codes to the plan WBS or make changes to remove previously added labor codes. Adding labor codes to the plan WBS provides an additional level below the project WBS for more detailed planning.

This option is only available if Vantagepoint is set up to use labor codes and if at least one labor code level is selected for the plan on the Labor Codes tab of the Plan Settings dialog box.

If the plan is not already checked out to you, this action automatically checks it out.

If the plan has a saved baseline, corresponding labor code changes are also made to the baseline WBS.

Add Touchpoint Select this option to add a touchpoint (a simple activity such as a meeting or a phone call) for the currently displayed record.
Add Proposal Select this option to display the New Proposal dialog box and begin adding a new proposal for the project.
Import GovWin IQ Opportunities Select this option to connect to your GovWin IQ instance and import one or more opportunity records from GovWin IQ as in pursuit projects in Vantagepoint.
This option displays if GovWin IQ Integration is enabled on the GovWin IQ form (Utilities > Integrations > GovWin IQ), and if Vantagepoint is set up to use auto-numbering for project numbers. (If auto-numbering is not implemented for projects, this option is not available. In that case, you can only import opportunities from GovWin IQ one at a time by selecting From GovWin IQ in How to Create Project on the New Project form.)
Revert Select this action to discard unpublished changes and return to the most recently published version of the plan and its baseline plan. This action is available if the plan contains changes that have not yet been published, whether or not those changes have been checked in.
Delete Plan Assignments Select this action to remove all of the plan's assignments for resources, expense types, and consultant types, all planned hours and amounts, and the baseline, leaving the project with an empty plan. However, assignments that have actual job-to-date (JTD) hours or amounts are not removed, though their planned hours or amounts are.

If the plan has a baseline and you do not have access rights to change the baseline, this action is not available.

Plan Settings Select this action to display the Plan Settings dialog box and specify the budget type, the cost and billing rate methods, tables, and multipliers, and other settings to use for the currently selected plan.

If the plan is not already checked out to you, this action automatically checks it out.

Check In Plans Select this action to display the Check In Plans dialog box and check in one or more of the plans that are currently checked out. You can check in the plans that are checked out to you, and if your security role is an Administrator role, you can also check in plans that are checked out to others.

When you check out a plan, it is not available to other users until it is checked back in. Vantagepoint automatically checks in plans when you select a different project, leave the Projects hub, log out of Vantagepoint, navigate to a different URL, use the browser's Refresh option, or close the browser. However, there may be situations in which you must use this action to manually check in plans.

Project Settings Select this option to display the Project Settings dialog box. In that dialog box, you can select display options for the project search results list and the project structure.
Export Gantt Select this option to display the Export Gantt Chart dialog box and select export format options. This option is available when you select the Schedule tab.
Print Report Select this option to print the associated report directly from this form or to open a dialog box on which you can specify print options before generating the report. See Print a Hub Report for more information.