Security Settings for Hubs

Your system administrator sets up security access rights to the various hub record types based on your role. The access rights defined for your role determine the hubs to which you have access, the tabs that display in each hub, and the functions that you can perform in each hub.

When you log in, Vantagepoint only allows you to perform actions to which your security role has rights. For example, if you are a project manager, your security role might have access only to the Projects hub. If you are a Marketing Manager, your security role might have access only to the Contacts, Firms, Projects, and Marketing Campaigns hubs. Your system administrator also determines which tabs are available to your security role.

Hub Record Access and Update Functions

Your system administrator can control your role's ability to view, add, modify, and delete the record types to which you have access and restrict your access to individual records. For example, if you are a project manager, your system administrator can limit your access to only those project records for which you are the project manager.

Your system administrator can choose from the following access rights to hub records:
  • Read Only: Users can view records but cannot add new records, modify information, or delete records.
  • Modify: Users can view records and make modifications to information, but they cannot add new records or delete records.
  • Add/Modify: Users can view records, modify information, and add new records, but they cannot delete records.
  • Full: Users can view records, modify information, add new records, and delete records.