Screen Designer Actions Bar

Use the buttons on the Actions bar in the Screen Designer to add user-defined fields, tabs, and other elements to hub or the Chart of Accounts tabs.

After you click a button on the Actions bar to add a user-defined element to a tab, you also do the following:

  • Enter properties for the element in the properties section of the properties pane on the Screen Designer form.
  • Drag and drop the element to the desired location on the tab or form on the left side of the Screen Designer form.
  • Resize an added element by hovering over it and clicking and dragging the resizing icon in the bottom right corner of the element.

You can delete an element that you add by hovering over it and clicking X in the upper right corner of the element.

Commonly Used Actions

Field Description
Save Click this action to save your changes.
Cancel Click this action to cancel your changes.
Add Field Click this action to add a field to the selected tab. In the next dialog boxes that display, enter information for the field, such as the field type and field name (caption). Then in the Field Properties section of the properties pane, use the Field Security, Locked, Required, and Tooltip fields to customize the field further.
Add Grid Click this action to add a grid to the selected tab. In the next dialog boxes that display, enter information for the grid, such as the grid name, grid columns and column properties. Then in the Grid Properties section of the properties pane, use the Field Security and Locked fields to further customize the grid.
Add Tab Click this action to add a new tab to the hub or Chart of Accounts Settings. The new tab is automatically added as the right-most tab on the screen. Then in the Tab Properties section of the properties pane, enter a name for the tab in the Caption field. If you want to hide this tab from certain users based on security roles, use the Tab Security field.

Other Actions

Click this action to choose other actions from a drop-down menu.

Field Description
Add Divider Line

Click this action to add a divider line to the selected tab. Divider lines can help organize and better distinguish elements and sections on a tab. The divider line is added to the bottom of the tab. Click it and drag it to the location that you want.

With the divider line selected, go to the Field Properties section of the properties pane:

  • If desired, enter caption text for the divider line, hide the divider line for certain security roles, and enter a tooltip for the divider line.
  • Use the Level field to select one of five levels to specify the location of the divider line in relation to the caption text, keep the caption but omit the divider line, or choose bolding and font size for the caption text.
Add Label

Click this action to add a label-text or a block of text-to the selected tab. This text can provide on-screen instructions or information for users. You can hide the label for certain users based on security role if desired.

The label text is not the name (caption) for a field. You enter the name (caption) for a field in the Caption field in the Field Properties section.

Add Workflow Button Click this action to add a workflow button to the selected tab. This allows users to initiate a scheduled workflow for a hub record. In the Field Properties section of the properties pane, enter the name for the button in the Caption field, select the workflow that will be triggered when a user click the workflow button in the Workflow field, and optionally hide the workflow button from certain security roles.
Manage Mobile CRM Sections This action displays when you open Screen Designer for the Contacts, Firms, or Projects hubs. Click this action to add and delete the sections on the Misc. tab in Mobile CRM in which you add user-defined fields for the Contacts, Firms, and Projects hubs.
Show User Defined Fields

Click this action to view a list of all the user-defined fields and elements in the hub or chart of accounts that you have open in Screen Designer. On the User Defined Fields dialog box, a grid displays the list of user-defined fields and elements, including tabs, grids, fields, divider lines, labels, workflow buttons, and so on. The list shows you the field type, caption (field name), alternate caption, database table name, and the database column name. You can export the information in the grid to a comma-separated values (CSV) file.

From the Projects hub, this dialog box shows only the user-defined fields and elements from the selected area that you have open, such as Contract Management, Project, and so on.

Restore Defaults

Click this action to restore the default layout and settings for the entire hub. This action does not apply for user-defined hubs. This action is disabled if you make a change on the Screen Designer form and have not yet saved or canceled the change.

After you click Restore Defaults, you receive the following message: "This will restore the default layout and settings for the entire hub. You will not be able to make any changes until you Save or Cancel." Click OK in this dialog box, and then click the Save action on the Screen Designer form. To proceed without restoring the defaults, click the Cancel action on the Screen Designer form.

Field Security and Restored Defaults

When you restore defaults, the field security property for fields is restored, based on application and tab access rights according to the information provided in the following table:

Field Restored Default Field Security
Fields in the Summary pane and Overview tab of a hub These fields are set to Displayed for all roles that have access to the hub.
All non-essential fields and all tabs in a hub

These fields and tabs are set to Displayed for all roles that have access to the hub and all its tabs.

Essential fields that apply for all security roles These fields are set to Displayed and Locked for roles that do not have access to the hub and for roles that have access to the hub, but not the tab that the essential fields are on.
Essential fields that apply only for the security roles that have access to a hub
  • When a role has access to the hub, these fields are set to Displayed.
  • When a role does not have access to a tab in a hub, the fields on the tab are set to Hidden and Locked.
Hub Preferences This action displays only for user-defined hubs, after you save a user-defined hub. Click this option to open the Hub Preferences dialog box and change any of the information for a hub that you originally entered for it, such as the tab name, Help URL, and standard tabs to include on the tab. The dialog box also contains the Delete Hub option to permanently delete a user-defined hub.