Create a Pre-Invoice

After you turn on the pre-invoice processing setting in a project's billing terms, you can create a pre-invoice in Interactive Billing or Batch Billing.

Prerequisites: All of the following are required before you can create a pre-invoice:
  • The Pre-Invoices feature for a company must be enabled. Select the Use Pre-Invoices option for the active company in Settings > Billing > Options.
  • A project must have the fee-based billing method of Current Unit or Fee selected on the Fees tab in Hubs > Projects > Billing Terms.
  • If you use the Invoice Approvals feature and regular invoices are in the process of being approved (submitted, approved, or rejected) for a project, theses invoices must be approved and finalized before you can turn on pre-invoice processing for a project.

To create a pre-invoice for a project:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Projects > Billing Terms.
  2. On the Billing Terms form, select a project for which to create a pre-invoice.
  3. On the Pre-Invoice tab, select the Process Pre-Invoice check box.
    When this check box is selected:
    • Pre-invoices, instead of regular invoices, are created in Interactive and Batch Billing for the project.
    • Only the General, Fees, Misc, and Pre-Invoice tabs in Billing Terms are enabled and they apply to pre-invoices.
  4. If you have not previously entered the remaining settings on the Pre-Invoice tab, enter them now.
    1. Enter notes to print in the Notes column in the Pre-Invoice section of a pre-invoice.
    2. Select a pre-invoice template and cancellation template.
    3. If you use phases and tasks (WBS2 and WBS3), enter a phase and task to use for cash receipt posting of paid pre-invoices.
  5. On the Fees tab, enter the fee amount in the Fee field for the pre-invoice.
  6. Click Save and exit Billing Terms.
  7. Complete one of the following:
    • In Billing > Interactive Billing, create and accept the pre-invoice.
    • In Billing > Batch Billing, process a final run type.
  8. After you create the pre-invoice, open Billing Terms for a project, clear the Process Pre-Invoice check box on the Pre-Invoices tab, and click Save.
    This turns off pre-invoice processing in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing for the project.

    The other pre-invoice settings that you entered on the Pre-Invoice tab are saved for the next time that you select the Process Pre-Invoice check box to produce a pre-invoice.