Printing and Numbering Page of the Vendor Payments Form

Use this page to preview a payment run, print and assign numbers to the payments, download files for electronic payments, print and/or email remittance advices, and print file copies of the payments.

When you finish the tasks on this page, click Post Payments on the actions bar to proceed to the next step in the payment process.

Accessing the Printing and Numbering Page

On the Vendor Payments form, do either of the following:

  • Create a new payment run, select vouchers to pay, and click Process Payments on the Actions bar.
  • Select a payment run from the search field that already has vouchers selected and is in the printing and numbering stage.

    Payment runs in this stage display the word "Printing" after the run number and date in the search field at the top of the Vendor Payments form.

Actions Bar

Field Description
Post Payments

After you print payments, assign numbers for the payments, download files for electronic payments, print and/or email remittances, and print file copies, click Post Payments to post the payments to the general ledger.

After you post the payment file, you cannot reprint checks.

If there are ACH (NACHA file format) EFT payments in the run, after the posting is complete, the Electronic Files page opens. On this page, enter information such as the date when the payments are valid for bank use and other settings to format the file that contains the payment information for the bank.

For more information about posting, see Effect of Posting Vendor Payments.

Other Actions

Click this option and then select one of the following actions:

  • Bank Cash Requirements: This opens the Bank Cash Requirements dialog box, which shows you the amount of cash needed to pay the vouchers in the payment run. If more than one bank is being used to pay the vouchers in the run, you see the cash amounts required from each bank.
  • Cash Requirements Report: This lets you run, schedule, or email the Cash Requirements report for this vendor payment run. On the Cash Requirements dialog box, select options for the report content, such as the grouping, level of detail, and layout of the report. The report lists each invoice and AP voucher amount to be paid in the payment run for each vendor and a final total amount. For more information, see Cash Requirements Report.
  • Payment Margin: Click this action to open the Payment Margin dialog box and adjust the margins allowed by your printer for printing vendor payment checks. You may need to adjust the top and left margins so that the text for the checks aligns properly on your check stock. You can also determine where you want the check memo text to display on a check if you use the United States or Canada check template.
  • Schedule: Click this action to open the Process Server Schedule dialog box and schedule the posting of the payment run to occur at a later time. If you are scheduling the posting of an ACH (NACHA) payment, after it finishes posting, you must finish creating the electronic file for it. To do this, return to Vendor Payments, and select the ACH run that is now posted. On the Electronic File page of the Vendor Payments form, complete the information to create the file to send to your bank.
  • Delete Run: This deletes the payment run that you have open on the Vendor Payments form. In the Delete Run dialog box that asks you if you want to delete the selected run, click Yes. When you delete a run, it is permanently deleted. The vouchers become available again to pay in Vendor Payments. You will see a deleted run in Transaction Center > Posting Review with a status of Canceled.

Banks Grid

This grid displays payment information for each bank that has vouchers to pay in the selected payment run.

Banks Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Click this icon to expand the grid to a full screen display. This expanded view reduces the need to scroll through long lists of records. Click this icon again to return to a standard grid display. For more information, see Maximize the Grid View.
Click this icon to export all the data from the grid into a comma-separated values (.csv) file that you save in Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet application that supports .csv files. For more information see Exporting Data to a .csv File.
Click this icon to turn the filter row on or off in the grid. The filter row is used to quickly search for a report. For information about how the filter works, see Filter the Grid Results.

Banks Grid Fields

This grid displays the banks that have vouchers to pay in the payment run.

Field Description
Bank This field displays the code for a bank that has vouchers to pay in the payment run. If you use multiple currencies, the bank code also controls the payment's currency.
Description This field displays the name of the bank associated with the bank code.
Printed A in this field indicates that the payments have been printed for the bank. Payments are considered printed for the bank after you click Print Payments on the actions bar of the Payments grid, below the Banks grid.
Number Assigned A in this field indicates that numbers have been assigned to each vendor payment being made by the bank. If you have not set up numbers to be automatically assigned, you manually assign numbers for the bank's payments using the Assign Number action in the Payments grid below the Banks grid. (You turn on automatic numbering for vendor payments in Settings > Accounting > Transactions.)
Diary This field displays the description of the diary that you entered on the Assign Numbers dialog box using the Assign Numbers action on the Payments grid's action bar.

This field lets you know if the bank's payments are ready to post. If they are not ready, the field displays the next action that you must complete on the Printing and Numbering page.

Possible status settings are:

  • Ready for posting: The printing and numbering requirements have been satisfied. You can now click Post Payments in the Printing and Numbering page actions bar.
  • Printing required: You must print paper checks now. Click Print Payments in the actions bar of the Payments grid. EFTs do not need to be printed before posting.
  • Numbering required: Printing requirements have been satisfied. Now you must assign payment numbers. To assign numbers, click Assign Numbers on the actions bar of the Bank Payments grid.
  • Diary required: This status applies if you use diaries. Printing and numbering requirements have been completed. Now you must assign a diary number on the Assign Numbers dialog box that displays when you click Assign Numbers in the actions bar of the Bank Payments grid.

Payments Grid

This grid displays information for all the vendor payments in the payment run for the bank that you select in the Banks grid on this page. Each vendor paid in the run displays in a row in the grid.

The title of this grid displays the name of the bank that you selected in the Banks grid.

Bank Payment Grid Toolbar Options

Field Description
Click this icon to expand the grid to a full screen display. This expanded view reduces the need to scroll through long lists of records. Click this icon again to return to a standard grid display. For more information, see Maximize the Grid View.
Click this icon to export all the data from the grid into a comma-separated values (.csv) file that you save in Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet application that supports .csv files. For more information see Exporting Data to a .csv File.
Click this icon to turn the filter row on or off in the grid. The filter row is used to quickly search for a report. For information about how the filter works, see Filter the Grid Results.

Payments Grid Actions Bar

Field Description
Print Payments

Click this action to print all the checks/payments for the selected bank. A separate browser window opens and displays all the payments. In this window, click the printer or save icons to print all the payments/checks and/or save the payments in a Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file or as a PDF file. After you print payments in this window, a displays in the Printed field in the Banks grid for the bank.

The formatting of the payments text in the browser window is determined by the settings that you specify on the Payments tab in Settings > Cash Management > Accounts Payable.

Assign Numbers

Click this action to display the Assign Payment Numbers dialog box, and enter the starting payment or check number for the selected payments. You assign numbers after you print the payments using the Print Payments action. After you assign numbers and close the Assign Payment Numbers dialog box, a displays in the Assigned column in the Banks grid.

If automatic transaction numbering is enabled for a bank, payment numbers are automatically assigned to the vendor payment, and the Assigned Numbers action is not enabled. You specify whether transactions for a bank are numbered automatically in the Bank Transactions grid in Settings > Accounting > Transactions.

Email Remittance

Click this action and then select one of the following options to send a remittance advice as an attachment in an email for ACH/NACHA and SEPA EFTs, wire, or direct debit payments. Emailed remittances do not apply for paper checks, or for ClieOp or user-defined file format electronic payments. The remittance advice provides a vendor with a list of the vouchers paid in the payment.

  • Recipients: Select this option to email the remittance advice to the vendors in the payment run who are have been configured to receive an email remittance. (To configure a vendor to receive an email remittance: On the Vendor tab in the Firms hub, open the Electronic Payment Method field in the Banking Information section. On the Electronic Payment Method dialog box, set the Remittance field to Email Remittance). Complete the information on the Email Remittance dialog box to prepare and send the remittance emails.
  • Specific Address: Select this option to open the Email Remittance dialog box, and select the recipients to send the remittance advice to and send the emails.
Export to Text

If you are processing SEPA or ClieOp electronic payments, click this action to download the payment information in the run to a file that you can send to your bank. In the Download Payments to Text File dialog box that displays, click Create File. On the File Download dialog box, click Save to save the file to your workstation or network location.

You download the file for an ACH/NACHA electronic payment run on the Electronic Files page of the Vendor Payments form that opens after you click Post Payments on the Printing and Numbering page.

Other Actions

Click Other Actions and then select one of the following actions:

  • Print File Copy: Click this action to print a copy of the check/payment faces and aprons. The word "Copy" is printed on each file copy. The format of the checks/payments are determined by the entries in the Printed Payment Format and Template fields on the on the Payments tab in Settings > Cash Management > Accounts Payable.
  • Print Remittance: Click this action to print a remittance advice for each vendor paid. The remittance advice provides a vendor with a list of the vouchers paid in the payment run. You can print a remittance for any form of payment: check, electronic payment, wires, and direct debits.

Payments Grid Fields

Field Description
Payee This field displays the vendor who received a payment in the payment run for the selected bank. The vendor's name or the first line of their address displays in this field. (A system administrator chooses which of these options display in this field in the Payment Payee field on the Payments tab in Settings > Cash Management > Accounts Payable.)
Amount This field displays the amount of the payment to the vendor. If you use multiple currencies, the amount is expressed in the bank's currency.
Sequence This field displays the order in which the vendor payments were sorted and paid in the run, based on the sort options that you selected for the run on the New Payment Run page of the Vendor Payment form. If the payment run includes checks and electronic payments, the checks are sorted first.
EFT This field displays a if the vendor payment is an electronic payment. This applies for ACH/NACHA, SEPA, ClieOp, wires, and direct debits. A check that is both a partial printed check and a partial EFT is considered to be a printed check and not an EFT check. If both the EFT and Email Remittance fields in this grid have a , then the vendor is eligible to receive an email remittance.
Payment This field displays the number that was assigned to the vendor payment when you clicked Assign Numbers on the actions bar of the Payments grid. If automatic transaction numbering is enabled for the bank, the payment number is automatically assigned. You specify automatic numbering settings for a bank in the Transaction Auto Numbering section of the Transactions Settings form in Settings > Accounting > Transactions.
Email Remittance

The field displays only if the payment run's type is Check/EFT or Direct Debit. It applies for ACH/NACHA, SEPA, wires, and direct debits (and not for checks or ClieOp). This field displays a if the payee is set up to receive an email remittance. If both the EFT and Email Remittance fields in this grid have a , then the vendor is eligible to receive an email remittance.

Memo Click in this field, and then click to open the Memo dialog box and enter additional information to print on the check face.

To specify where the memo text will print on a check, click Other Actions > Payment Margin in the actions bar on the Printing and Numbering page, and select the location in the Check Memo Placement field on the Payment Margin dialog box. Memo information prints for Canada and United States check formats; it does not print for United Kingdom checks.