Time Analysis Options Tab

Use this tab to specify the audit information that you want to see in the report and the period range of changes that will be included on the report.

Detail Options

This section applies to specific information about the selected report.

Field Description
Report At Select Hours to calculate utilization based on hours. Select Cost to calculate utilization based on cost.
Suppress Detail Select this option if you do want the report to show column totals but none of the detail.
Round Detail to Whole Amounts/Hours Select this check box to round all hours and amounts to whole numbers.

Time Frame Options

Use the Time Frame options to specify the date for which you want to know cash requirements. This option applies only to vouchers with payment terms set to Date. Vantagepoint includes vouchers due for payment on or before the date you specify.

Field Description
Include Current Select this check box to display time data for the current period.
Include Month-to-Date Select this check box to display time data for the current month.
Include Year-to-Date Select this check box to display time data for the current year.

Standard Hour Options

Use these options to determine how standard hours or cost amounts display.

Field Description
Include Standard Hours Select this check box to show standard hours or cost amounts. (Which of these the report shows depends on your selection in the Report at field.) You must select this option if you enter a ratio based on standard hours in one of the Direct Ratio or Target Ratio columns on the Columns tab. However, you can display the standard hours column without including ratios based on standard hours. You can base the values in the Standard Hours column on either the actual hours worked or an established formula.
Calculate Standard Hours as of ____ To have Vantagepoint calculate standard hours or amounts as of a certain date, specify that date in this field. The date serves as the ending date for selecting the labor transactions used in the calculation. The standard hours calculation can be based either on the actual hours worked or on a formula.
Include Holiday Time Calculation If you select Include Standard Hours Column, select this check box to include days marked as holidays in the calculation of the standard hours.
User Defined Standard Hours If you select Include Standard Hours Column, select this option to specify the reporting period for the standard hours. Select one of these check boxes and enter the number of standard hours in the field to the right of the check box:
  • CUR: Current standard hours
  • MTD: Month-to-date standard hours
  • YTD: Year-to-date standard hours

Actual hours worked replace user-defined standard hours if Use total hours as standard on Time Analysis is selected on the Accounting tab of the Employees hub.

Month-to-Date Select this check box to display time data for the current month.
Year-to-Date Select this check box to display time data for the current year.