Asset Type Tab of the Asset Management Settings Form

Use the Asset Type tab to enter the different types of assets that your enterprise uses and specify related accounts.


Asset Type Grid

If you mark an entry in the Asset Type grid asIn Use, it will appear in the Asset Type drop-down list on the GL Book tab in the Equipment hub, where you can assign the asset type to an equipment record. The asset type's depreciation method, property type, and account, as defined on this grid, automatically display in the Equipment hub.

Field Description
Asset Type Drop-down

Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:

  • To print grid data, click Print. On the Print Preview form, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the grid data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into the field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Insert Click this option to open a new blank row in the grid and then complete the fields in the row to add an asset type.
Delete Select the row to delete and then click this option to remove the asset type. You can only delete an asset type that is not already assigned to an asset on the GL Book tab in the Equipment hub. If the asset type is assigned to an asset, you must first clear the In Use selection on the asset's row.
Code Enter a code for the asset. This code is used in the Vantagepoint database and does not display with the asset type description.
Description Enter a description for the asset. This description displays in the Asset Type drop-down list on the GL Book tab in the Equipment hub.
Property Type Select a property type for the asset. The property types in this drop-down list are determined by your enterprise and entered on the Property Type tab of this form. After you assign a property type to an asset, the property type populates by default wherever the asset is entered in Vantagepoint.
Depreciation Method Use this field to select a depreciation method for the asset. Vantagepoint defaults to the straight-line (SL) method, but if you specify additional methods on the Methods tab of this form, those methods display in this drop-down list.

After you select a depreciation method for an asset, the depreciation method displays by default wherever the asset is entered in Vantagepoint.

Useful Life in Years This field displays the defined useful life, in years, for the selected depreciation method. You can only edit this field if you select the straight-line method of depreciation. For all other methods of depreciation, you define the useful life in years on the Methods tab of this form.
Asset Account Use this lookup to select the asset account. A voucher that is defined as an asset uses this asset account by default.
Accumulated Depreciation Account Use this lookup to select the default accumulated depreciation account that is used on GL Book tab in the Equipment hub. The journal entry that is created by depreciation uses this account on the credit side of the entry.
Depreciation Expense Account Use this lookup to select the default depreciation expense account that is used on the GL Book tab in the Equipment hub. The journal entry that is created by depreciation uses this account on the credit side of the entry.
In Use Select this option for each asset type on this grid that you want to display in the Asset Type drop-down list on the GL Book tab in the Equipment hub.

You can only delete an asset type that is not already assigned to an asset on the GL Book tab in the Equipment hub. If the asset type is assigned to an asset, you must first remove the In Use selection on the asset's row.