Favorites Tab of the Reporting Form

Use the Favorites tab to create and save a report that you frequently use. When you set up and save a favorite report, Vantagepoint applies the report options, selection criteria, and language (if applicable) as the defaults each time that you access and run that report.

When you create a favorite report, Vantagepoint adds the favorite in:
  • My Stuff > Favorite Reports: The report displays in the list of favorites.
  • My Stuff > Dashboards: If the system dashpart is included in your dashboard.

Your ability to create and save favorites depends on the Reports, Searches and Options setting for your security role. To see your role's setting, check the Save Rights section on the Overview tab of the Roles settings form in Settings > Security > Roles.

The possible settings for Reports, Searches and Options are:

Save Rights Description
Save Personal Only This setting saves searches, favorites, dashboards, dashparts, and sets of report options for personal use only. You cannot share them with other Vantagepoint users.
Save For My Role This setting saves searches, favorites, dashboards, dashparts, and sets of report options for yourself and for all users who share your security role.
Save For All Roles This setting saves searches, favorites, dashboards, dashparts, and sets of report options for yourself, for all users who share your security role, and for global access by any co-worker using Vantagepoint.

If you have questions about your access to reports, contact your system administrator.


Field Description
Name This column displays the name of the report. To run a favorite, click the report name. Favorite reports can have a different name than the corresponding standard report. To see the standard report on which a favorite is based, open the report options for the favorite using the row tool menu.
Type This column displays the report's designated type, which is based on the type of the associated standard report, such as Project or Firm. For this reason, you cannot modify the report type.
Icons in this column indicate whether or not options have been changed for the current favorite report. When you hover over a blank cell, you see one of the following icons:
  • : Saved options for this favorite have not changed.
  • : Saved options for this favorite have changed.

Click either icon to open the Options tab for the report.

You can use this field to filter the list of reports in the grid. In the Options filter, select Changed to show only favorite reports with changed options or select Not Changed to show only those favorite reports that have unchanged options.

To clear unsaved report options and reset them to the last set of saved or default settings, click Reset.

Records/Saved Searches

The label that displays for the Records or Saved Searches list is determined by the type of quick search that you select as the default for reports. Use the Reporting Quick Search field on the Reporting tab in My Preferences to specify the default search.

To specify records or searches to include in the selection criteria for a report, click this column, which may be blank or may contain text:

  • If the column is blank, you have not specified any records for the report. If you do not specify records to include before you generate the report, Vantagepoint includes data from all records of the appropriate type.
  • To select criteria, click in the Records/Saved Searches column and then click a saved search or select Search to create a new search. You can also enter text in the list to quickly locate a record or saved search.
  • If the column contains Records Selected, then selection criteria have been specified for the report. To review or change the criteria, select a different option.
  • If the column contains a name, the report is set up to use a record or a set of saved search criteria. Click to select another search or click Search to create a new search.
Shared You can filter favorites that are either private or shared with other users. If this field contains the icon, the report is shared with other users. Otherwise, it is a personal favorite and the field is blank.
Grid Options

This icon appears in many grids when you hover over the end of a record row. Use these options to perform tasks or to refine the properties of an individual record in a grid.

Grid options vary, depending on the application and the record, and may include the following:
  • Reset: Select this option to clear the unsaved report options and reset them back to the last set of saved or default settings.
  • Save As: Select this option to make a copy of a favorite to use as a basis of a new report favorite.
  • Manage Favorites: Select this option to rename the favorite or change the users with whom it is shared.
  • Schedule: Select this option to display the Schedule dialog box, which you use to specify a date and time at which to run the report. You can also use the dialog box to add a report to a profile (a group of reports) that you want to generate on a regular basis, set up notifications, create an archive of the report, email the report, or export the report to a file format of your choice, such as PDF format.
  • Email: Select this option to display the Email Report dialog box, on which you specify distribution and recurrence options before sending the favorite report as an email attachment.
  • Delete: Select this option to delete the favorite report. You can only delete one row item at a time while using this option.