Track Marketing Campaign Responses

Use the Responses tab to record and maintain information about the contacts that responded to the marketing campaign.

To track marketing campaign responses:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Marketing Campaigns > Marketing Campaigns.
  2. Use the search field above the marketing campaign name to search for and select the campaign for which you want to add or track responses.
  3. Click +Add Response to open the Contact Search dialog box and select one or more contacts that you want to associate with the marketing campaign.
    The Contact column in the Responses grid lists the contacts that you select and Vantagepoint creates a hyperlink between each contact and the corresponding record in the Contacts hub.

    For information on building a Contact search, see New Search Dialog Box.

  4. To see details for any contact listed in the Contact column, click the hyperlink to open the contact record in a separate window.
  5. If the Lead Qualification process is enabled in Settings > CRM, the Firms column displays firms associated with the selected contact and you can click the hyperlink for any qualified firm to open that record in a separate window.
    The Rating and Qualified Status columns also display if the Lead Qualification process is enabled.
  6. If necessary, use the Status column to change the contact status:
    • Active: The contact is currently being pursued.
    • Inactive or Terminated: The contact is not being pursued and does not display in contact lookup lists. However, any links that were created for the contact prior to the inactivation or termination remain.