Download the File to Send to Your Bank for ACH Vendor Payments

After you post a vendor payment that has ACH (NACHA) EFTs in it, you download the file that contains the payment information to send to your bank to make the payments.

To download the file to send to your bank for ACH vendor payments:

  1. Open the Electronic Files page in Cash Management > Vendor Payments.
    The page opens when you do either of the following:
    • On the Printing and Numbering page of the Vendor Payments form, click the Post Payments action to post the payment run immediately.
    • In the search field on the Vendor Payments form, select a posted or closed payment run that has ACH (NACHA) payments.
  2. In the payment runs grid on the Electronic Files page, select the row for the payment run for which to download the NACHA-formatted file to send to your bank.
    Payment runs with Unprocessed in the Status field in the grid have not had a file downloaded for them yet.
  3. Optional: To view the AP Electronic Funds Transfer report for the selected row, click Print on the action bar of the electronic files grid .
    This report displays data about the EFT transactions that are in the file to send to your bank. The report displays the vendor number, vendor name, tax ID number, bank ID, bank account number, bank account type, direct deposit status, and direct deposit amount for each of the vendors in the selected payment run.
  4. Complete the settings for generating the file to send to your bank, such as the effective entry date on which you want your bank to make the vendor payments and the carriage return options for the payment records in the file.
  5. Click the Exclude Runs Already Processed check box to download only the runs that have not yet been downloaded.
  6. On the actions bar of the electronic files grid, click Process Transfer.
  7. On the Download Electronic Funds Transfer Files dialog box, select an electronic file to download and then click Download.
  8. Repeat step 7 for each electronic file that you want to download.
  9. Click Close on the Download Electronic Funds Transfer Files dialog box to return to the Electronic Files page.
  10. Click Close Payment Run to return to the New Payment Run page of the Vendor Payments form.


Send the downloaded file to your bank as you normally do.