Contents of the Format Currency Dialog Box (Desktop)

Use these fields and options to select the preferred currency format. These settings apply to the check face and stub.

Field Description
Type From this drop-down list you can select one of the following options:
  • Percent — Percent fields always have the percent symbol following the number. This option is only visible for normal number fields.
  • Number — This option is visible for normal number fields.
  • Currency — This option is visible for currency fields.
Sample This group box displays a sample of the positive number, negative number, and zero formats. The number 123,456,789.00 is used for the positive and negative numbers. The currency symbol displays, if applicable. However, if you select this dialog box from the Report Options Layout tab, then fields that are not a currency type do not have a currency symbol.
Field Description
Use symbol from regional settings When you select this option, Vantagepoint uses the decimal symbol specified in your regional settings. If you clear this option, Vantagepoint uses the decimal symbol that you select in the Decimal symbol field.
Decimal symbol You can specify a period, a comma, or another character. For example, if you select a period, then one thousand displays as 1000.00.
Use Default Number of Decimal Places When you select this option, Vantagepoint uses the number of decimal places for that field.

The currency’s default number of decimal places is determined in Settings > General > Currency. For normal numbers, the default is the number of decimals that are displayed for that field by default on the report.

This option enables you to make general changes to the number and currency fields on the Report Options Layout tab without needing to change the decimal places for all numbers. For example, you may want to change the decimal symbol used for all fields, but may want a different number of decimals displayed for an hours field versus a rate field.

Decimal Places Decimal place options are the numbers 0 through 9. The number selected controls how many decimal places are displayed for the number. For example, if you selected 2, then one thousand would be displayed as 1000.00.

Some fields do not use the decimal settings that you select because the number of decimal places is hard-coded into the report. Examples of these fields include:

  • Hours — Most hour fields have two decimal places.
  • Rates — Most rate fields have four decimal places.
  • Places where decimals are not appropriate — Some fields do not have any decimal places because only whole numbers are appropriate values in those fields.
Field Description
Use symbol from regional settings When you select this option, Vantagepoint uses the digit grouping symbol from your regional settings. If you clear this option, Vantagepoint uses the digit grouping symbol that you select in the Digit grouping symbol field.
Digit grouping symbol The decimal symbol options are a period and a comma, but you can enter any character. This field controls the character used to separate groups. For example, if you select a comma, then one thousand displays as 1,000.
Digit Grouping From this drop-down list you can select how the numbers are grouped. The digit grouping options are:
  • 123,456,789 — The number is always grouped by three digits.
  • 12,34,56,789 — The last grouping has three digits, but all others have two.
  • 123456789 — There is no digit grouping.
Field Description
Negative Number Negative number options in this drop-down list are:
  • Parentheses — The number is surrounded by parentheses (1,000, for example).
  • Sign on Front — The negative sign displays before the number (-1,000, for example).
  • Sign on Back — The negative sign displays after the number (1,000-, for example).
Zero Number Zero number options in this drop-down list are:
  • 0 — Zero values are represented by a 0.
  • - — Zero values are represented by a dash. If you select this option, then it should be centered on the report so that it is not confused with a negative sign.
  • Do not display — Zero values are represented by a blank.

Use this option to specify whether the currency symbol or currency code displays.


Use this option to specify where the currency symbol displays in relation to the number.