Columns for Project Expense Export Report

You can select the columns to display on your report.


Field Description
Actual Completion Date This column displays the actual completion date of the project.
Address 1-3 These columns display the client's street address information (street name and number, suite number, postal box number, and so on).
Approved for Use in Accounting Applications This Yes/No column indicates whether or not Vantagepoint Accounting users can open and review the employee record.
Available to Accounting Users This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the record is available for review by Accounting users.
Available to CRM Users This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the record is available for review by Customer Relationship Management (CRM) users.
Bid Date This column displays the date on which your firm first bid on the project.
Billing Amount

This column displays the billing amount for the transaction. If your report includes this column, look for B as the indicator for the billing rate on the report (for example, B:5.0 Copies @1.00).

If you use multiple currencies, the report displays this amount in the project's billing currency.

Bill by Default

This column displays one of the following settings to indicate whether or not to bill the client for certain expense charges:

  • Yes: Always bill expense charges to the client, whether or not the Bill by Default option is selected for the associated category in Expense Settings.
  • No: Never bill expense charges to the client, whether or not the Bill by Default option is selected for the associated category in Expense Settings.
  • Category: Only bill charges to the client if the Bill by Default option is selected for the associated category in Expense Settings.
Bill Rate per Unit This column displays the amount to bill the client for each unit. If your firm uses date-based rates, the billing rate in effect at the time that the transaction was posted is the rate used.
Billable Message

This column displays one of the following values to indicate whether or not an error message displays when a user charges certain expenses to the project in an expense report:

  • No Message: No message displays when the Bill by Default option for the expense category is different from the Bill by Default option for the project.
  • Warning: A warning message displays when the Bill by Default option for the expense category is different from the Bill by Default option for the project. You must explicitly choose to continue with the transaction if you want to charge the expense to the project with the selected expense category.
  • Error: An error message displays when the Bill by Default option for the expense category is different from the Bill by Default option for the project. You cannot charge the expense to the project with the selected category.
Biller Name This column displays the name of the employee who is responsible for creating the billing invoices for a project.
Billing Client This column displays the name of the client to be billed.
Billing Contact This column displays the billing contact for the client.
Billing Status This column displays the billing status of the labor hours. The following are the possible status settings:
  • B: Billable: The transaction is released and available for billing to the client.
  • D: To Be Deleted: The transaction is marked for deletion.
  • F: Final Billed: The transaction has been billed to the client.
  • H: Held: The transaction is being held temporarily to prevent billing to the client.
  • M: Modified: The transaction has been modified in some way from its original form.
  • N: Not Billable: The transaction is not billable.
  • O: Deleted: The transaction was marked for deletion, included in a billing run, and deleted.
  • R: Partial Hold/Released: Part of the transaction has been held or released.
  • T: Transferred: The transaction was moved from one project, phase, or task to another.
  • W: To Be Written Off: The transaction has been written off, but the invoice has not been posted.
  • X: Written Off: The transaction has been written off, and the invoice has been posted.
Budgeted Labor Code Validation This column displays the setting Vantagepoint uses to determine the level of access users are allowed when they enter labor codes on their timesheets: None, Warning, or Error.
Budgeted Levels This column displays the labor code levels to which employees can charge time for the project. The budgeted labor code levels available depend on the number of labor code levels your firm uses.
Budgeted OH Rate This column displays the budgeted overhead rate. If you use the assignment method for overhead allocation, Vantagepoint uses the budgeted overhead rate for both budgeting and allocation purposes. For all other overhead allocation methods, Vantagepoint uses the budgeted overhead rate only to calculate the overhead amount for the project's budget.
Charge Type

This column displays one of the following charge types for the project:

  • R: Regular projects are revenue-producing. Costs charged to regular projects include direct labor, direct expense, and reimbursable expense. Vantagepoint retains the detail for a regular project for the life of the project.
  • H: Overhead projects are not revenue-producing. Costs charged to overhead projects include indirect labor and indirect expense. Vantagepoint distributes the total cost of these projects to regular projects during overhead allocation. Typical overhead projects can include General Overhead, Vacation, Sick Leave, Holiday, and Civic Duty. Vantagepoint resets job-to-date costs to zero for overhead projects when you initialize for a new fiscal year.
  • P: Promotional projects track the cost to acquire a job. If you obtain the contract, you can create a new regular project and transfer the detail to it to be billed or tracked. A promotional project is similar to an overhead project. However, Vantagepoint does not zero out job-to-date costs at the start of each fiscal year for promotional projects.
City This column displays the city from the record's address.
Client Address

For clients that use more than one address, this column displays an address description to indicate which address is associated with the project. For example, this column might display one of the following:

  • <Default>: The default address from the Firms hub
  • Corporate HQ: The address of the client's headquarters
  • London: The address for the client's office in London, UK
Client Alias If the client's name is confidential, this column displays the alternate name that is used to refer to that client in proposals.
Client Confidential This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the client firm's name is confidential and is to be excluded from all proposals. If the client's name is confidential and you include the project in a proposal, Vantagepoint substitutes an alias for the client name.
Client Name This column displays the name of the client associated with the record.
Closed This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the purchase order is closed.
Compensation This column displays the total monetary amount you expect to receive for direct labor and direct expenses related to the project.
Completion Comment This column displays the comments entered for the completion date.
Contact ID This column displays the identifier of the contact.
Contact Name This column displays the name of the contact.
Contract Date This column displays the date on which your firm was awarded the contract.
Cost Amount

This column displays the extended cost amount of the labor or expense transaction. Expense amounts do not include tax amounts.

Vantagepoint calculates the cost amount for an expense by multiplying the amount in the Cost field on the Expenses tab of Interactive Billing by any multiplier defined in the expense billing terms for the project.

Vantagepoint calculates the cost amount for a labor transaction by multiplying the value in the Rate field on the Labor tab of Interactive Billing by the number of hours in the Hours field.

If your report includes the Cost Amount column, look for C as the indicator for the cost rate on the report. Example: C:5.0 Copies @.50

Cost Rate per Unit This column displays the cost amount per unit. If your firm uses date-based rates, the cost rate in effect at the time that the transaction was posted is the rate used.
Cost Rate Table If you use Payroll and you set the Enable Cost Rate Tables option to Yes in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options, this column displays one of the following cost rate tables:
  • Labor Rate Table
  • Category Rate Table
  • Labor Code Table

This column is blank if Cost Rate Method contains From Employee Cost Rate.

Cost Rate Method If you use Payroll and you set the Enable Cost Rate Tables option to Yes in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options, this column displays one of the following cost rate methods:
  • From Employee Cost Rate
  • From Labor Rate Table
  • From Category Rate Table
  • From Labor Code Table
  • None
Country This column displays the country from the record's address.
County This column displays the county for the address.
Cross Charge Method

Cross charges allow you to transfer revenue and overhead charges between organizations when an employee from one organization works on a project for another organization.

This column displays the cross charge method for the project from the Apply Rate Method at this Level field on the Accounting tab of the Projects form:

  • Global: Vantagepoint uses the cross charge method specified on the Cross Charge tab of the Individual Organization Setup form.
  • Project: Vantagepoint uses the cross charge method specified in the Rate Method field on the Accounting tab of the Projects form.
  • None: Vantagepoint does not generate cross charges for the project.
Cross Charge Rate This column displays the markup rate that Vantagepoint uses when it transfers revenue back to an employee's organization or when it transfers an employee's overhead charges to the organization associated with the project.
Default Effort Driven
Default Task Type
Description This column displays the description of the project.
Description 1, Description 2 These columns display the descriptions for each transaction detail line. The following types of descriptions are stored for each transaction:
  • Description 1 is a general description of the transaction (for example, the name of the vendor for an accounts payable voucher).
  • Description 2 is a more specific description of the transaction (for example, the description entered during transaction entry for a single item on a voucher).
Email This column displays the record's email address.
End Date This column displays the end date of the project, phase, or task.
Estimated Completion This column displays the date on which the project is or was scheduled to be completed. It is assigned as a milestone on the Dates & Cost tab in Hubs > Projects > Project.
Expense Account This column displays the expense account for the expense.
Expense Pct Comp This column displays the estimated percent complete for labor.
Expense Type This column displays the expense type (for example, Direct, Indirect, or Reimbursable).
Fax This column displays the fax number for the record.
Federal Project This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the project is for the federal government.
Fee Direct Consultant This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct consultant fees. This amount includes any markups on consultant professional services.
Fee Direct Expense This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct expenses related to the project.
Fee Direct Labor This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct labor related to the project.
Fee Reimbursable Consultant This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable consultant fees related to the project. This amount includes any markups on consultant professional services.
Fee Reimbursable Expense This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable expenses related to the project.
Firm Cost This column displays the portion of the project cost for which your firm is responsible.
Firm Cost Comment This column displays the comments entered for the firm cost.
Fiscal Period This column displays the accounting period in which the transaction was posted.
Invoice Number This column displays the billed invoice number of the transaction.
Labor Pct. Comp. This column displays the estimated percent complete for labor.
Line Number This column displays the voucher line number if the transaction type is one of the following:
  • AP: Accounts Payable voucher
  • CV: Accounts Payable disbursement
  • EX: Employee expense
Locale If you use Payroll, this column displays the state for payroll taxes.
Long Name This column displays the project's long name. If the Long Name field is blank in the Projects hub, this column displays the project's short name.
Multiplier/Amount This column displays the multiplier, percentage, or amount for the revenue method.
Organization Code This column displays the code of the organization that is associated with the transaction.

For example, NA:CA:MO:09:04 uses five subcodes to identify one Organization (North American Division, Canadian Operations, Montreal Office, Department 9, Discipline 4).

Organization Name If your enterprise uses organizations in Vantagepoint, this column displays the name of the organization with which the record is associated.
Overall Pct. Comp. This column displays the weighted average percent complete. Vantagepoint calculates this percentage as follows:

(All percents complete * Their respective budgets) / Total project budget

Pay Rate Method

If you use Payroll and you set Enable Pay Rate Tables to Yes in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options, this column displays the pay rate method for the project:

  • From Employee Pay Rate
  • From Labor Rate Table
  • From Category Rate Table
  • From Labor Code Table
  • None
Pay Rate Table If you use Payroll and you set the Enable Pay Rate Tables option to Yes in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options, this column displays the cost rate table:
  • Labor Rate Table
  • Category Rate Table
  • Labor Code Table

No table is listed in this column if the pay rate method is From Employee Pay Rate.

Phase This column displays the identifier of the phase for which the expense was incurred.
Phase Name This column displays the name of the phase.
Phone This column displays the phone number for the record.
Posting Sequence This column displays the posting sequence number of the transaction. Vantagepoint assigns sequence number 1 to the first group of transactions posted during an accounting period, sequence number 2 to the second group, and so on.

To see a numbered list of all of the postings for the current accounting period, select Transaction Center > Posting Review in the Navigation pane.

Principal Name This column displays the name of the principal for the project, phase, or task.
Project This column displays the identifier of the project for which the expense was incurred.
Project Manager Name This column displays the name of the project manager for the project, phase, or task.
Project Name This column displays the name of the project.
Project Type This column displays the type of project (for example, Educational, Commercial, Medical, or Federal).
Proposal Project If your firm uses Vantagepoint Proposals, this column displays the proposal that is associated with the project.
Read Only The role can look at records but not add, modify, or delete record information.
Referable This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the project can be used as a reference when talking with potential clients.
Reference Number This column displays the reference number, voucher number, or journal entry number for the transaction.
Reimbursable Allowance

This column displays the expected total amount of reimbursable expenses: Reimbursable Allowance Expense Fee + Reimbursable Allowance Consultant Fee. The amount is in the project's cost currency.

This amount is calculated from the fee entries on the Project Review form of the Projects hub.

Responsibility This column displays the level of responsibility that your enterprise has for the project, such as Prime, Joint Venture, or Consultant.
Revenue Description This column displays the description of the revenue source (for example, JTD Billings, JTD Billings + WIP @, or (Pct Comp*Fee) + JTD Reimb Exp).
Revenue Type

This column displays the revenue type. The revenue type is a code to identify how Vantagepoint calculates revenue for the task, phase, or project. There are six standard revenue types:

  • B: Job-to-date billing
  • M: (Job-to-date direct labor * Multiplier) + Job-to-date reimbursable expenses @ cost rates
  • N: No revenue generation
  • P: Percent complete + Job-to-date reimbursable expenses @ cost rates
  • R: Job-to-date receipts
  • W: Job-to-date billing + Work-in-progress @ billing rates
Start Date This column displays the start date of the project, phase, or task.
State This column displays the two-character abbreviation for the state from the record's address.
Status This column displays the current status of the project: Active, Inactive, or Dormant.
SubLevel This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the project, phase, or task is associated with sub-level billing terms.
Supervisor Name This column displays the name of the supervisor for the project.
Task This column displays the task number associated with the transaction.
Task Name This column displays the name of the task.
Total Project Cost This column displays the total cost of the project.
Total Project Cost Comment This column displays the comments entered for the total project cost (for example, "Fee only" or "Phase I").
Transaction Date For all transactions except automatic postings, this column displays the date entered for the transaction. For automatic postings, this column displays the period-ending date for the file of transactions that generated the posting.
Transaction Organization This column displays the organization assigned to the project at the time of the transaction.
Transaction Type If you select Transaction Detail as a sorting/grouping option, this column displays a two-letter abbreviation for the type of transaction (for example, CD for cash disbursements).
Transfer Phase For a labor adjustment, this column displays the phase from which the labor adjustment transaction was transferred.
Transfer Project If the transaction is a labor adjustment, this column displays the project from which the labor adjustment transaction was transferred.
Transfer Task For a labor adjustment, this column displays the task from which the labor adjustment transaction was transferred.
Unit This column displays the unit for which the unit quantities were entered.
Unit Quantity This column displays the number of units for the transaction.
Unit Table This column displays the name of a unit table.
Unit Quantity This column displays the number of units for the transaction.
Vendor Name This column displays the name of the vendor associated with expenses.
Vendor Organization This column displays the organization for which this vendor provides goods or services.
Version ID
Voucher This column displays the voucher number for the transaction.
Zip This columns displays the ZIP code from the record's address.