Labor Detail Report

The Labor Detail report displays labor information for each employee, labor code, task, phase, and project. That information includes the regular, overtime, and total number of hours and amounts.

Symbols Used on the Report

An asterisk (*) to the left of a detail line indicates the transaction was transferred from another project.

A small u indicates an unbilled transaction.

Effective Dates

Billing includes the option to specify effective dates for billing rates. You can establish a schedule of rates at which employee labor is billed throughout the course of a project.

If a project's billing rate is determined by a billing labor rate table, the date of the transaction affects the billing rate. This applies to transactions entered through Transaction Entry, using a Billing Labor Insert, or using a Billing Labor Transfer. Vantagepoint compares the transaction date with the effective dates in the billing labor rate table to determine which billing rate to use to calculate the billing amount.

Multiple Currencies

If you use multiple currencies, a report may display amounts in different currencies. If the report contains a total for a column that contains mixed currencies, that total displays as ####, rather than as an actual amount. If you generate a report with a mix of currencies, you can include currency symbols or codes to identify the currency for each amount.

For more direct comparison of amounts, you can select a presentation currency for the report so that all amounts display in a single currency. To do this, set the appropriate Report In option to Presentation Currency on the Options tab for the report and specify the currency and the date for determining exchange rates.