Contents of the Consolidated Reporting Form

Use the form to set up a reporting group.

Header Information

Field Description
Search Use the Find reporting group search field to select an existing reporting group.
+ New Reporting Group Click this option to create a new reporting group. The form displays in edit mode with blank editable fields.
Name Enter a descriptive name for the reporting group.
Actions Bar

Use the Actions bar at the upper right of the form to perform common actions.

  • Save: Save changes to the currently displayed group.
  • Cancel: Cancel changes you made on the form.
  • Copy: Copy the currently displayed group.
  • Delete: Delete the currently displayed group.


Use this section to create a reporting group and identify the companies that belong to it.

Field Description
Group Enter a code name, up to ten alphanumeric characters, for the consolidation group.
Currency If you use multiple currencies, select the reporting currency for this consolidation group. This drop-down list includes all currencies enabled for use by your enterprise.
Gains and Losses Account If you use multiple currencies, specify the account to use for gains and losses due to rate translations when a company in the consolidation group has a functional currency that is different from the reporting currency selected in the Currency field. Enter an account number in this field or click and select an account on the Account Lookup dialog box.
Companies Grid

Use the grid to add or remove companies in the consolidation group.

  • : Display the filter fields for the grid. Use the filter fields to refine the displayed row items in the grid.
  • Company: Select the company subcode of the company that you want to add to the consolidation group.
  • Name: This field displays the descriptive name for the company.
  • : Remove the corresponding company from the grid.
  • + Add Company: Click this option to add a new company to the grid.


Use this section to identify accounts that you want Vantagepoint to eliminate when it processes consolidations.

Field Description
User Defined Elimination Accounts Grid
  • : Display the filter fields for the grid. Use the filter fields to refine the displayed row items in the grid.
  • Account: Enter the account number of the account that you want to eliminate from consolidations for the consolidation group, or select the account from the Account Lookup dialog box.
  • Name: This field displays the descriptive name for the account.
  • : Remove the corresponding account from the grid.
  • + Add User Defined Elimination Account: Click this option to add a new account to the grid.


If Vantagepoint is set up to use multiple currencies with the Consolidated Reporting feature, you must specify currency translation methods for the consolidation group when the functional currencies of the companies in the group are not the same. Do this in this section.

Field Description
Assets Select the method to use to determine exchange rates for asset accounts when the functional currencies of the companies in the consolidation group are not the same. The options are period end rate, period average rate, and historical rate.
Liabilities Select the method to use to determine exchange rates for liability accounts when the functional currencies of the companies in the consolidation group are not the same. The options are period end rate, period average rate, and historical rate.
Net Worth Select the method to use to determine exchange rates for net worth accounts when the functional currencies of the companies in the consolidation group are not the same. The options are period end rate, period average rate, and historical rate.
Reimbursables Select the method to use to determine exchange rates for reimbursable expense accounts when the functional currencies of the companies in the consolidation group are not the same. The options are period end rate, period average rate, and historical rate.
Directs Select the method to use to determine exchange rates for direct expense accounts when the functional currencies of the companies in the consolidation group are not the same. The options are period end rate, period average rate, and historical rate.
Indirects Select the method to use to determine exchange rates for indirect expense accounts when the functional currencies of the companies in the consolidation group are not the same. The options are period end rate, period average rate, and historical rate.
Revenue Select the method to use to determine exchange rates for revenue accounts when the functional currencies of the companies in the consolidation group are not the same. The options are period end rate, period average rate, and historical rate.
Other Charges Select the method to use to determine exchange rates for other revenue and expense accounts when the functional currencies of the companies in the consolidation group are not the same. The options are period end rate, period average rate, and historical rate.
Accounts Translation Overrides Grid
  • : Display the filter fields for the grid. Use the filter fields to refine the displayed row items in the grid.
  • Account: Enter or select a single account that is an exception to the translation method specified for its account type. For example, if you specify Historical Rate as the method for Asset accounts but want to set up a different translation for a specific asset account, you select that asset account here and use the corresponding Method field on this grid to select the alternate method.
  • Name: This field displays the descriptive name for the account.
  • Method: Select a translation method for the individual account: period end rate, period average rate, or historical rate.
  • : Remove the corresponding account translation override from the grid.
  • + Add Translation Account Override: Click this option to add an account translation override to the grid.