Contents of the Time Categories Form

Use this form to assign time categories to time groups for timesheet entry purposes. You must set up time groups on the Time Groups form in Time Settings before you set up time categories.

Time categories define the projects that employees charge time to regularly, such as vacation, holidays, and training. The projects prefill automatically in the first rows in the timesheets grid on the Timesheets form. This allows employees to charge time to a project, such as vacation or holidays, without having to enter the project data. You can assign time categories for each time group and/or specify one set of time categories for all time groups.


Field Description
Company Name If you have multiple companies, the name of the active company displays at the top of the form. You enter time categories for each company.
Time Group Select a time group for which to set up time categories. The time groups in the drop-down list are the time groups that you defined on the Time Groups form in Time Settings. You can also select [All Groups] from the drop-down list to set up a set of time categories that apply to all time groups. A number in parenthesis beside a time group in the drop-down list indicates the number of time categories that have been set up for the time group.

Time Categories Grid

Use this grid to define time categories for the time group that you selected in Time Group. The information in this grid prefills on timesheets when employees in the time group enter their timesheets.

Grid Tools

Field Description
+ Add Category Click this option below the grid to add a blank row to the grid, and set up a time category in the row.
Actions If you select a time group without any existing categories, you can click Actions > Copy Categories on the grid toolbar to display the Copy Categories from Selected Group dialog box. Then use the Time Group option on the dialog box to select a group from which you want to copy categories.
Hover over a row in the grid, click this option at the end of the row, and then select one of the following options from the shortcut menu to apply to the row:
  • Copy: Click this option to copy the selected time category into a blank row to create a new time category. You can then edit the fields in the row for the new timesheet period as needed.
  • Delete: Click this option to delete the selected time category from the grid. When you delete a time category, it is removed from all unposted timesheets. The deleted time category and hours charged to it remain on posted timesheets.
Click this icon at the top right of the grid to filter the list of time categories in the grid. When you click this icon, a blank row is added to the top of the grid. In any of the fields in the row, enter text to filter the list. The grid displays only the time categories that fit the criteria that you entered in the field. To clear the filter criteria, select the value in the field and delete it. Click the option again to close the filter.
or To sort the grid rows by one of the grid columns in ascending or descending order, hover over the column heading and click or to the right of the column heading.

Grid Fields

Field Description
Category Enter a unique ID for the category, using up to six numbers and/or letters. This field prefills with the next sequential number starting with 1, which you can override and enter what you prefer.
Description Enter a description for the time category. This description appears on employees' timesheets.
Sort Order Enter a sort order number for the time category. This determines the order in which time categories appear in the grid on employees' timesheets.
Project Method Select one of the following options to determine the project to associate with the time category:
  • Single Project: Select this option to associate a single project with the time category. Then enter the project in the Single Project field in this grid. This project applies for all employees in the time group.
  • Project Query: Select this option if the project for a time category will vary by employee. Then enter a SQL query to identify the appropriate project per employee in the Project Query field in this grid.
Single Project If you set the Project Method option to Single Project in this grid, use this field to specify a project to associate with the time category. Enter a project number directly in this field, or click and use the Project lookup.
Project Query If you set the Project Method option to Project Query in this grid, use this field to enter a SQL query to identify the appropriate project for the time category.
Phase Method If a project has phases, select one of the following options to determine the phase to associate with the time category:
  • Single Phase: Select this option to associate a single phase with the time category. Then enter the phase in the Single Phase field in this grid. This phase applies for all employees in the time group.
  • Phase Query: Select this option if the phase for a time category will vary per employee. Then enter a SQL query to identify the appropriate phase per employee in the Phase Query field in this grid.
Single Phase If you set the Phase Method option to Single Phase in this grid, use this field to enter a phase to associate with the time category. Enter a phase number directly in this field, or click and use the Phase/Task lookup.
Phase Query If you set the Phase Method option to Phase Query in this grid, use this field to enter a SQL query to identify the appropriate phase for the time category.
Task Method If a phase has tasks, select one of the following options to determine the task to associate with the time category:
  • Single Task: Select this option to associate a single task with the time category. Then enter the task in the Single Task field in this grid. This task applies for all employees in the time group.
  • Task Query: Select this option if the task for a time category will vary by employee. Then enter a SQL query to identify the appropriate task per employee in the Task Query field in this grid.
Single Task If you set the Task Method option to Single Task in this grid, use this field to enter a task to associate with the time category. Enter a task number directly in this field, or click and use the Phase/Task lookup.
Task Query If you set the Task Method option to Task Query in this grid, use this field to enter a SQL query to identify the appropriate task for the time category.
Labor Code Method Select one of the following options to determine the labor code to associate with the time category:
  • Single Labor Code: Select this option to associate a single labor code with the time category. Then enter the labor code in the Single Labor Code field in this grid. This labor code applies for all employees in the time group.
  • Labor Code Query: Select this option if the labor code for a time category will vary by employee. Then enter a SQL query to identify the appropriate labor code per employee in the Labor Code Query field in this grid.
Single Labor Code If you set the Labor Code Method option to Single Labor Code in this grid, use this field to enter a labor code to associate with the time category. Enter a labor code number directly in this field, or click and use the Labor Code lookup.
Labor Code Query If you set the Labor Code Method option to Labor Code Query in this grid, use this field to enter a SQL query to identify the appropriate labor code for the time category.
Labor Category Method Select one of the following options to determine the labor category to associate with the time category:
  • Single Labor Category: Select this option to associate a single labor category with the time category. Then enter the labor category in the Single Labor Category field in this grid. This labor category applies for all employees in the time group.
  • Labor Category Query: Select this option if the labor category for a time category will vary by employee. Then, enter a SQL query to identify the appropriate labor category per employee in the Labor Category Query field in this grid.
Single Labor Category If you set the Labor Category Method option to Single Labor Category in this grid, use this field to select a labor category to associate with the time category.
Labor Category Query If you set the Labor Category Method option to Labor Category Query in this grid, use this field to enter a SQL query to identify the appropriate labor category for the time category.
Require Start/End Time This field displays if, on the Options form of Time Settings, you set the Enable Start/End Time option to Yes and set the Start/End Time Entry option to By Project.

Select this check box to require employees to enter start and end times on timesheets for this time category project.