Contents of the Time Approvals Form

Use this form to require that timesheets go through an approval process and to specify some settings for the approval process.


Field Description
Company Name If you use multiple companies, the name of the active company displays at the top of the form. You turn on timesheet approvals for each company.
Use Time Approvals Select whether or not to use an approval process for approving timesheets. You must have at least one employee set up in the Employees hub before you can select Yes.
Approval Workflow If you select Yes to use time approvals for timesheets, select the approval workflow to use. An approval workflow identifies the steps in the approval process, the employees who are assigned to each approval step, and the notification alerts to send for each step to keep the approval process on schedule.

You can select one of the predefined approval workflows:

  • Timesheet Default: An employee's supervisor must approve the overall timesheet.
  • Timesheets & Lines Default: An employee's supervisor must approve the overall timesheet and project managers must approve individual line items for projects on a timesheet.
  • Timesheet Line Default: Project managers must approve individual line items for projects on a timesheet.

You can also create your own approval workflows in Settings > Workflow > Approval Workflows in the desktop application. After you create an approval workflow for timesheets and give it an Active status, it displays in the drop-down list in the Approval Workflow field on the Time Approvals tab.

If you use an approval workflow that requires line items on timesheets to be approved, you can override the requirement for line item approvals on a project-by-project basis in the Timesheet Line Item Approval field on the Accounting tab in the Projects hub.

Approval Administrator If you select Yes to use time approvals, select the employee who will have administrative responsibilities and provide assistance for approval workflow processing.

If the approval workflow that you entered in the Approval Workflow field on this tab already has an approval administrator assigned to it in Settings > Workflow > Approval Workflows in the desktop application, the name of that approval administrator prefills in the Approval Administrator field on this tab. If you change the prefilled approval administrator in the Approval Administrator field on this tab, the approval administrator is also changed in Approval Workflows Settings for the approval workflow.

The approval administrator can:
  • Edit workflow steps in Approval Workflows Settings when there are in-progress approvals.
  • Reassign employees to an approval step when there are approval workflow failures. These failures occur whenever an approval assignment cannot be made to the employee (role) who is specified for an approval step.
The approval administrators must:
  • Be a member of a security role that gives access to Timesheets and Approval Workflows Settings.
  • Be specified as an approver of a step to take approval action for an approval workflow step. Alternatively, an approval administrator can reassign an approval step to themselves, so that they can approve a record for a step.

If you use multiple companies, you can enter an employee from any company in this field. The Employee lookup in this field includes employees from all of the companies in your enterprise.