Contents of the Mobile CRM Sections Dialog Box

Use the fields on this dialog box to add and delete Mobile CRM sections into which you add user-defined field for the Contacts, Projects, and Firms hubs.

The sections that you add or delete using this dialog box apply to the hub from which you open the dialog box. You maintain a separate set of sections and tabs for each Contacts, Projects, and Firms hub.

The sections are added to the Misc. tab in Mobile CRM. You can change the name of the Misc. tab using the Tab Name for User Defined Fields field on this dialog box.


Field Description
Tab Name for User Defined Fields Mobile CRM has one tab for user-defined fields, the Misc. tab, that prefills in this field. To change the name of the Misc. tab, enter a different name for it in this field.

<Tab Name> Sections Grid

The title of this sections grid reflects the name of the tab that is entered in the Tab Name for User Defined Fields field. For example, if you enter Industry in the Tab Name for User Defined Fields field, the title for the sections grid is "Industry Sections."

In this grid, add the sections in which to locate user-defined fields on the Mobile CRM tab that you entered in the Tab Name for User Defined Fields field.

Field Description
+ Add Section Click this option to add a blank row to the grid, and enter a new section to add to the user-defined fields tab in Mobile CRM.
Section Name Enter the name for the new section. You must use unique section names within a hub.
The order of the sections that you add in the grid (from top to bottom) is the order that the sections display on the Mobile CRM tab. To change the order, hover over a row, click and hold the drag handle icon to the left of a section name, drag the row up or down in the grid, and drop it in the desired location.
To delete a section, hover over the section name, click at the end of the row, and then select Delete on the shortcut menu. You can delete only a section that has no user-defined field added to it.