Predefined Security Roles for New Implementations

If you implement Vantagepoint as a new system, a set of predefined security roles are provided automatically. You can assign users to these roles, or you can use them as models to create your own security roles.

If, on the other hand, you upgrade to Vantagepoint from Vision or Deltek for Professional Services, the upgrade process moves your existing security roles from that product into the Vantagepoint database, and these predefined roles are not added.

How to Use the Predefined Roles

All predefined roles described below have the access necessary to enter timesheets and expense reports and to use other basic applications under My Stuff in the Vantagepoint Navigation pane. In most cases, however, each role is designed to provide more limited access than it is eventually expected to offer when you have fully implemented Vantagepoint. As your users are trained, you review and reconcile your data, and you define your internal procedures related to Vantagepoint, you can modify the roles to open up access to more functionality. For example, most of these roles have limited access to reports by default. After your initial data is in place and reviewed and you have determined which reports each role needs, you can expand report access accordingly.

Access to labor cost rates and amounts is almost universally a security concern for businesses. As you are assigning users to security roles, be aware that the DEFAULT, SETUP, and ACCOUNTING predefined security roles provide access to those rates and amounts by default. The other predefined roles do not provide access to them. For more information on how to grant or remove access to labor cost rates and amounts, see Accounting Tab of the Roles Form.

To review the access provided by each of the predefined security roles, do either of the following:
  • Review role settings on the Roles form (Settings > Security > Roles).
  • Review role settings on the Role Summary report. To generate this report, click Other Actions > Print Report on the Actions bar of the Roles form. On the Reports tab of the Reporting form, in the Name column of the grid, click Role Summary. On the Options tab for the report, select the options you want and then click Run on the Actions bar.

Predefined Roles

This table lists the predefined security roles that are set up by default for a new Vantagepoint implementation.
Role Intended Users Notes
ACCOUNTING Accounting supervisors, accounting super-users Includes access to cash, to labor cost rates/amounts, and to all companies in a multiple company system.
ACCOUNTS AP, AR, or billing clerks

No access to cash or to labor cost rates/amounts.

If you decide that you want to divide this group of accounting users into multiple roles, copy this role to create the other two and then make the necessary changes to the access that each role provides. You can also do this if you want billing clerks to have access to cost rates/amounts, but do not want other accounting clerks to have that access.

CRM Marketing or CRM team members No access to labor cost rates/amounts.
CRMADMIN Marketing or CRM super-users Same access as the CRM role, plus additional access for modifying settings and performing other CRM and proposals administrative tasks. No access to labor cost rates/amounts.
DEFAULT Vantagepoint system administrators Provides complete access to Vantagepoint, including labor cost rates/amounts.
EMPLOYEE General employees Provides very limited access. Able to enter time and expenses and use other applications under My Stuff in the Navigation pane. No access to labor cost rates/amounts.
MANAGER Project managers Includes access to project planning and budgeting. No access to labor cost rates/amounts.
PLANADMIN Project managers with administrative responsibilities Same access as the MANAGER role, plus additional access for modifying settings and performing other project and resource planning administrative tasks. No access to labor cost rates/amounts.
SETUP Members of the Vantagepoint setup team Provides complete access to the Setup applications, including labor cost rates/amounts.