Full and Time & Expense User Indicators

If you chose the Full and Time & Expense licensing option when you purchased Vantagepoint, Full users and Time & Expense users are identified, for licensing purposes, based on their access to key components.

This licensing option is a variation on the user-based licensing model. Instead of purchasing user licenses for each module individually, your company purchases a set of user licenses for the Time & Expense module and a second set of user licenses that apply to all modules (Full licenses). With this option, each user whose security role provides access only to the Timesheets application and/or the Expense Reports application counts as one Time & Expense user license in use. Each user whose security role provides access to one or more key components for any modules other than the Time & Expense module counts as one Full user license in use.

Full users can have access to the Time & Expense module without using any of the Time & Expense user licenses that you purchased. To accomplish that, Deltek provides, at no cost, additional Time & Expense user licenses equal to the number of Full licenses that you purchased. For example, if you purchase 450 Time & Expense licenses and 50 Full licenses, you will actually have 500 Time & Expense licenses available.

Some Full user licenses may be used by users who only have access to the Time & Expense module. If you exhaust your Time & Expense licenses but have unused Full licenses, Vantagepoint will automatically apply one of those unused Full licenses to any additional user that you set up to access only the Time & Expense module.