Set Up Automatic Numbering for Transactions

You can set up automatic numbering of reference numbers for journal entries and automatic numbering of voucher numbers for AP vouchers. This includes vouchers that you enter in AP Voucher Transaction Entry, AP Disbursement Transaction Entry, and the Create Voucher from PO application. If you use multiple companies, you set up automatic numbering by company.

To set up automatic numbering for transactions:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Accounting > Transactions.
  2. In the Transaction Auto Numbering Options section of the Transaction Settings form, select the transaction type for which to assign automatic numbering.
    AP Vouchers appears in the drop-down list only if the Require Entry of Voucher Numbers option is set to No in Settings > Cash Management > Accounts Payable. When you select Vouchers, this turns on auto numbering for AP vouchers that are entered through AP Voucher Transaction Entry, AP Disbursement Transaction Entry, and Create Voucher from PO in the Accounts Payable application. A voucher number is automatically assigned to these transactions when you post them.
  3. if you have multiple companies and you select AP Vouchers in the Transaction Type field for a row in the grid, enter a starting and ending voucher number to use for automatically assigned voucher numbers.
    This allows you to maintain a separate sequence of voucher numbers for each of your companies. The start and end range cannot overlap with the voucher numbers for another company.
  4. Enter the number to automatically use as the next reference number for a journal entry or the next voucher number for an AP voucher, depending on the type of transaction that you entered in the Transaction Type field.
    When you enter a number in this field, Vantagepoint automatically updates the field with the next sequential number as transactions are posted. You can change the number in this field at any time, but you cannot change it to a number that has already been used.

    When you enter a starting and ending voucher number in the Starting Voucher and Ending Voucher fields for AP vouchers, the next reference number must be within the starting and ending voucher range. You cannot change the next reference number to a number that has already been used

  5. Click Save.