Top Bottom Performers - In Pursuit Projects Options Tab

Use the Options tab to select report options for the Top-Bottom Performers - In Pursuit Project report and to save sets of options for reuse.


Field Description
Order Select Top or Bottom to indicate whether you want the report to display top performers or bottom performers. Then enter the number of records.

Example: To show the top ten performers, select Top and enter 10.

Performer Select the type of performer, such as project or client, for which you want to generate the report.
Use Summary Table Because of the calculations involved, it may take longer to generate this report than most other reports. This is particularly true for large databases. To get the best performance, run the Refresh General Ledger Report Summary Table utility (on the Refresh Summary Tables form in Utilities > Updates > Refresh Summary Tables). and select this option for the report before you generate the report.

Recommendation: The Refresh General Ledger Report Summary Table utility calculates and stores the financial data needed for this report in a summary table. Ideally, you schedule the utility to run after business hours each night so that financial reports printed on the next day show current data (as of the close of business on the preceding day).

This option is disabled until you run the Refresh General Ledger Report Summary Table utility the first time. Thereafter, the check box label includes the date on which the utility was last run, such as Use Summary Table (Updated: 4/5/20 10:00PM).

Exclude Performers with Negative Metric Calculations Select this check box to omit performers for which the selected metric has a negative value.
Exclude Performers with Zero Metric Calculation Select this check box to omit performers for which the value of the selected metric is zero.
Include Overhead Select this check box to include overhead in all pertinent calculations such as profit amounts and spent amounts.

Reporting Amounts

This section is only available if you use multiple currencies. Use the Reporting Amounts options to determine the report currency used to display amounts, types of transactions, or project information you want to include on the report. These options may vary depending on the type of report that you want to generate.

For example, if you want to generate the Employee Labor Audit report, you will select transaction and project options for the report. If you want to generate an Invoice Transaction Detail report, you will select the type of currency in which to display monetary amounts.

Field Description
Report In If you set the Report At option to Cost, specify one of the following currency types for displaying amounts on the report:
  • Project Currency: Select this setting to use the currency specified in Project Currency on the Overview tab of the Projects form in the Projects hub.
  • Billing Currency: Select this setting to use the currency specified in Billing Currency on the Overview tab of the Projects form in the Projects hub.
  • Project's Functional Currency: If you choose to use the functional currency, the report displays the amounts in the functional currency of the project.
  • Presentation Currency: Use the related Presentation Currency and Exchange Rate as Of options to specify the currency and the date to use in calculating exchange rates.

If you set the Report At option to Billing, specify one of the following currency types for displaying amounts on the report:

  • Billing Currency: The currency is based on the setting for the Use Billing Currency not Project Currency option in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.
    • When that option is set to Yes, the monetary amounts display in the project's billing currency.
    • When that option is set to No, the amounts display in the project currency.
  • Presentation Currency: Select this setting to use a single currency for all amounts. Use the related Presentation Currency and Exchange Rate as Of fields to specify the currency and the date to use to determine exchange rates.
Presentation Currency

Select the currency in which to display all monetary amounts. Vantagepoint converts amounts to the presentation currency using the exchange rates that are effective on the date you specify in Exchange Rate as of to do the conversions. With a few exceptions, cost amounts are converted to the presentation currency from the project currency amounts, and billing amounts are converted from the billing currency amounts.

If you do not use multiple companies, you can select only the currency that is enabled for your company. If you are using multiple companies, you select from a list of all currencies enabled for the companies in your enterprise.

Exchange Rate as of If you set Report in to Presentation Currency, specify the date that Vantagepoint uses to calculate exchanges between the presentation currency that you select and the project currency. Vantagepoint determines the correct exchange rates in the daily exchange rate table based on this date.