Creating a Revenue Forecast Quick Reference

Use this quick reference as a guide for creating a new revenue forecast.

Step Procedure Related Information
Choose the revenue calculation to use
1 Go to Settings > Resource Planning > Revenue Forecast Settings and select the calculation that includes the amounts you will use when forecasting revenue. Choose the Calculation for Revenue Forecasting
Create the initial revenue forecast
2 Go to Hubs > Projects > Contract Management, open the project, and choose Use Revenue Forecasts as the fee allocation method. Select Revenue Forecasts as the Fee Allocation Method
3 Go to Hubs > Projects > Revenue Forecast.
4 If your enterprise uses multiple currencies and has different currency codes assigned for project and billing, you can choose the currency to store and the currency to display for your revenue forecast. Change the Stored Currency for a Revenue Forecast

Choose the Currency to Display for a Revenue Forecast

Add data to the revenue forecast
5 You must check out the project revenue forecast plan to make changes to a revenue forecast. Check Out the Revenue Forecast
6 Enter values in the ETC Revenue field or enter them in calendar buckets. Enter ETC Revenue Values
7 You can change revenue forecast dates and indicate how you want the schedule change to affect the distribution of planned revenue amounts. Change the Revenue Forecast Dates
Create a Project Forecast report
8 Use the Project Forecast report to review revenue forecasts for projects. Project Forecast Report