Edit or Delete a Saved Resource Search

You can make changes to a saved resource search that you added, and you can delete resource searches that you no longer need.

To edit or delete a saved search:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Resource Management > Resource View.
  2. In the Find Resources pane, select the search that you want to edit or delete in Saved Searches.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • To edit the search, make the necessary changes or additions to the search parameters, and click Save.
    • To rename the search, click above the Saved Searches field, enter the new name in the Edit Search Name dialog box, and click Save.
    • To delete the search, click above the Saved Searches field, and click Delete when you are asked to confirm the deletion.

If you want to make a temporary change to a saved search but not actually save that change, click Search after you make the change, instead of Save.