Contents of the Add Field Dialog Box

Use the fields on this dialog box when you add a user-defined field to a hub in Screen Designer in the browser application.


Field Description
Field Type Select the type for the field that you are adding to the hub. The type indicates the type of information that users must enter in the field. Some of the types allow users to enter a record from another hub, such as an employee or contact record. For these field types, users can select an entry for the field from a lookup list.

The field types that are allowed for a hub can vary. All possible field types are:

  • Account: Users must enter a general ledger account from the chart of accounts in the field.
  • Boilerplate: Users must enter a boilerplate from the Boilerplates hub in the field.
  • Character: Users must enter an alphanumeric value in the field.
  • Checkbox: The field is a check box that users can select or clear.
  • Contact: Users must enter a contact from the Contacts hub in the field.
  • Currency: This field type displays only if you use multiple currencies in Vantagepoint. Users must enter a monetary amount in the field. You must also select the currency type in the Currency Type field in the Field Settings dialog box.
  • Date: Users must enter a date in the field.
  • Date/Time: Users must enter a date and time in the field.
  • Dropdown: You create a list of items that users select from in a drop-down list in the field. You create the items for the drop-down list in the Field Settings dialog box.
  • Employee: Users must enter an employee from the Employees hub in the field.
  • Equipment: Users must select an equipment item from the Equipment hub in the field.
  • Firm: Users must select a firm from the Firms hub in the field.
  • Marketing Campaign: Users must select a marketing campaign from the Marketing Campaigns hub in the field.
  • Memo: The field is a memo box in which users can enter a larger amount of text than they can in a regular field.
  • Name: This applies only for user-defined hubs. When you create a user-defined hub, a Name field, which has a name field type, is automatically added to the hub on the Overview tab. You can add up to three name type fields in each user-defined hub. For example, if you added a user-defined hub named Job Applicants, you will likely want three name fields to record the an applicant's first, middle, and last names. Users can enter an alphanumeric value in the field.
  • Numeric: Users must enter a number in the field.
  • Organization: Users must enter an organization that is set up for your enterprise in the field.
  • Phone: Users must enter a telephone number in the field.
  • Project: Users must enter a project (WBS1) from the Projects hub in the field. Phases and tasks (WBS2 and WBS3) are not available to select in project type fields.
  • Record ID: This applies only for user-defined hubs. When you create a user-defined hub, a Number field, which has a record ID field type, is automatically added to the hub on the Overview tab. You can have only one field with a Record ID type in each user-defined hub. Users can enter an alphanumeric value in the field. You can hide the field from users using the Hidden field for the field properties.
  • URL: Users must enter a URL web address in the field. When you click on a URL that is entered in the field, the web page opens in a new window.
  • <User Defined Hub>: Any user-defined hub that you added to Vantagepoint displays in the list. Users must enter a record from that user-defined hub in the field.

Enter the name to display for the user-defined field on the tab. You must use a unique name for each field in a hub.

If you use multiple languages in Vantagepoint, you must enter the caption in each of the languages that you have enabled. When you add a user-defined field, enter the caption in the language that you selected when you logged in to Vantagepoint. Then log out of Vantagepoint and log back in separately for each language that you use. Open Screen Designer and select the user-defined field. In the Caption field in the Field Properties pane of the Screen Designer form, enter the caption in the language that you logged in with.

Database Column Name This field prefills with the database name for the user-defined field. The name is used internally by the Vantagepoint database. The name does not display on a tab.

The name is generated by combining "Cust" with the field name that you entered in the Caption field. Spaces between words are removed. For example, if you entered Team Leader in the Caption field, the Database Column Name field prefills with CustTeamLeader.

In the Database Column Name field, you can change the field caption portion of the prefilled database column name, but you cannot change the Cust prefix portion of the name. The database column name must be unique.

Continue Click this button to continue, and enter the other settings for the field in the Field Settings dialog box.