Add an Attendee to an Activity

You can add attendees to an activity on the Activity form. Attendees can be both employees within your company and contacts (for example, vendors, clients, consultants, and others who are external to your company.

When you schedule an activity, you are automatically added to the Attendees grid as the owner. When you schedule an activity from the Employees Hub, the current employee's name and title is added to the Attendees grid.

To add an attendee to an activity:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Activities.
  2. In the Stakeholders section of the Overview tab, click +Add Attendee in the Attendee grid.
    A lookup opens listing all attendees in ascending alphabetical order.
  3. On the Attendees lookup, click to select an attendee from the list that includes both contacts (whether or not they are qualified as a lead) and employees.
    When you add contacts and employees to the activity, Vantagepointautomatically designates you as the Owner and the first contact as the Primary. All other contacts and employees that you add to the activity are attendees. Attendees with the Owner and Primary designations appear in bold text while all other attendees are listed in regular text.

    If there is no attendee who is either a contact or a lead, you can designate a firm as the Primary.

  4. If you want to reassign the Owner or Primary designation to a different employee or contact or firm, use the quick edit function as described in the following:
    • Click to the right of the existing Owner or Primary, then select either Remove Owner or Remove Primary as appropriate.
    • Click to the right of a different attendee or firm field, then select Make Owner or Make Primary to reassign these roles.
  5. If you want to remove an attendee or firm from the activity, click the quick edit drop-down and select Remove.
  6. Move your mouse off the row to automatically save your changes.