Service Estimate Options Tab

Use the options to decide which firm, estimate, client, and signature information to include on the report.

Our Firm Block

Field Description
Include Name Select this check box to display your company name on the report. By default, the associated field displays the company name from Settings > General > Options, but you can enter a different organization name for the report.
Include Byline Select this option to include your company byline. By default, this field displays the byline from Settings > General > Options, but you can enter a different one.
Include Address Select this option to include your company address. By default, this field displays the address from the General tab in Settings > General > Options, but you can enter a different address for the report.
Alignment Select the type of alignment you want for the firm block information: Left, Center, or Right.
Left Margin Specify the distance between the left margin of the page and the left edge of the firm block.
Top Margin Specify the distance between the top margin of the page and the top edge of the firm block.

Estimate & Client Address Block

Field Description
Include Project Number Select this check box to display the project number in the estimate block.
Include Project Name Select this check box to display the project name.
Include Project Description Select this check box to display the full description of the project.
Display Estimate Box Select this check box to display the estimate box in the upper right corner of the report.
Client Address Left Margin Specify the distance between the left margin of the page and the left edge of the client address block. Use the unit of measure (inches or millimeters) that you entered in the Unit of Measure field on the Misc tab. Enter a distance that does not cause the client address block to overlap another block.
Client Address Top Margin Specify the distance between the top margin of the page and the top edge of the client address block. Use the unit of measure (inches or millimeters) that you entered in the Unit of Measure field on the Misc tab. Enter a distance that does not cause the client address block to overlap another block.
Estimate Block Left Margin Specify the distance between the left margin of the page and the left edge of the estimate block. Use the unit of measure (inches or millimeters) that you entered in the Unit of Measure field on the Misc tab. Enter a distance that does not cause the estimate block to overlap another block.
Estimate Block Top Margin Specify the distance between the top margin of the page and the top edge of the estimate block. Use the unit of measure (inches or millimeters) that you entered in the Unit of Measure field on the Misc tab. Enter a distance that does not cause the estimate block to overlap another blocks.

Section Details

Field Description
Labor Heading Label Enter the heading for the Labor section.
Labor Total Label Enter the label for the Labor total.
Break Out Description and Generic Resource with Rates Select this option to group by labor description and to break out by generic resource with labor hours and billing rates.
Break Out Description and Generic Resource without Rates Select this option to group by labor description and to break out by generic resource without including rates.
Summarize by Labor Description Select this option to summarize amounts by labor description. This option results in a format similar to that for a fee-based invoice.
Summarize by Generic Resource Select this check box to summarize amounts by generic resources. This option results in a format similar to that for a time and materials invoice.
Expense Heading Label Enter the heading for the Expense section.
Expense Total Label Enter the label for the Expense total.
Consultant Heading Label Enter the heading for the Consultant section.
Consultant Total Label Enter the label for the Consultant total.
Unit Heading Label Enter the heading for the Unit section.
Unit Total Label Enter the label for the Unit total.
Show Math for Unit Detail If you entered unit information in the Projects hub, select this check box to display detail of the calculation of unit costs. For example, in addition to the $2,000.00 amount for a 2-person field crew unit, the report would display the number of days and the rate used to calculate the amount. This field displays only when Enable Units Grid is selected in Settings > Projects > Estimates.

Signature Detail

Field Description
Display Signature on Estimate Footer Select this check box to display the signature block on the estimate.

When you select this check box, Vantagepoint enables the remaining options in the Signature Detail section.

Line Left Margin Enter the distance between the left margin of the page and the beginning of the signature line. The signature line is a horizontal line on which the responsible employee signs to indicate authorization of the estimate.
Line Top Margin Enter the distance between end of the body of the estimate and the signature line.
Signature Label Enter the text to precede the signature line (for example, Authorized by: ).
Signature Label Width Enter the distance between the beginning of the signature label and the beginning of the signature line.

If the distance is less than the width of the label, the label will overlap the line.

Signature Line Width Specify the length of the signature line. "Width" means the distance from end to end, not the thickness of the line.
Date Label Enter the text to precede the date line (for example, Date: ).
Date Label Width Enter the distance between the beginning of the date label and the beginning of the date line.

If the distance is less than the width of the label, the label will overlap the line.

Date Line Width Enter the length of the date line. "Width" here means distance from end to end, not the thickness of the line. Use the unit of measure (inches or millimeters) that you entered in the Unit of Measure field on the Misc tab.
Authorized By Select the type of employee who will authorize the information in the estimates. The report displays the name of the project manager, principal, or supervisor associated with the project.
Authorized Left Margin Enter the distance between the left margin of the page and the name of the employee authorizing the estimate.
Authorized Top Margin Enter the distance between end of the body of the estimate and the name of the employee authorizing the estimate.
Include Authorizer's Prefix Select this check box to display the name prefix along with the authorizing employee's name.
Include Authorizer's Suffix Select this check box to display the name suffix along with the authorizing employee's name.

Display Options

Field Description
Include Top Clause Select this check box to display a clause at the top of the estimate. Select the clause in Select Top Clause.
Select Top Clause If you selected Include Top Clause, select the top clause. You set up top and bottom clauses on the Estimate Settings form.
Top Clause (text box) When you select a clause in Select Top Clause, this field displays the text of that clause. To modify the text or formatting of the clause, click to display the Text Editor.
Include Bottom Clause Select this check box to display a clause at the bottom of the estimate. Select the clause in Select Bottom Clause.
Select Bottom Clause If you selected Include Bottom Clause, select the bottom clause. You set up top and bottom clauses on the Estimate Settings form.
Bottom Clause (text box) When you select a clause in Select Bottom Clause, this field displays the text of that clause. To modify the text or formatting of the clause, click to display the Text Editor.
Include Footer Line Select this check box to display a line across the bottom of each page.
Include Page Numbers Select this check box to display a page number in the bottom right corner of each page.