Select Vouchers Page of the Vendor Payments Form

Use this page to select or remove AP vouchers to pay in a vendor payment run before you process the run.

Accessing the Voucher Selection Page

The Select Vouchers page opens automatically when you do either of the following in Vendor Payments:

  • Enter information on the New Payment Run page of the Vendor Payments form to create a new vendor payment run, and click the Create New Run button on the page.
  • In the search field in the header of the Vendor Payments form, select an existing vendor payment run that has not yet been processed. A run that has not been processed has the word Selecting after the run number and date in the search results list.

Header of the Select Vouchers Page

The following information displays in three lines at the top of the Select Voucher page to identify the vendor payment run that you have open on the page:

  • Run number <XX> - Select Vouchers
  • Payment Date: <date> - Payment Run Total: <monetary amount>

    Payment Run Total: <monetary amount> displays if vouchers are selected for payment and all the selected payments share the same payment currency (if you use multiple currencies).

  • Company name - Created <date> by <employee>:

    The company name displays if you use multiple companies.

Actions Bar

Field Description
Process Payments

Click this action after you finish selecting all the AP vouchers to pay for a payment run and you are ready to process the run.

Before you click this option, you may want to do any of the following:

  • Select Vendors with Payments Only on the toolbar of the Vendor Balances grid on the Select Vouchers page, to review the vouchers that are selected to pay.
  • Click Other Actions > Bank Cash Requirements and/or Other Actions > Cash Requirements Report on the Select Vouchers page to view cash requirements for the payment run.

When you click Process Payments, you receive a warning dialog box that lets you know that payment processing makes permanent changes to your database. At this point, you should have already reviewed the vouchers, settings, and cash requirements before proceeding. When you click Proceed on the warning dialog box, the Printing and Numbering page displays on the Vendor Payments form. On this page, you print and assign numbers to the payments, download files for EFT payments, print and/or email remittances, print file copies of the payments, and post the payment run to your general ledger.

Other Actions

Click Other Actions and then select one of the following actions:

  • Bank Cash Requirements: This opens the Bank Cash Requirements dialog box, which shows you the amount of cash needed to pay the vouchers in the payment run. If more than one bank is being used to pay the vouchers in the run, you see the cash amounts required from each bank.
  • Delete Run: This deletes the payment run that you have open on the Vendor Payments form. On the Delete Run dialog box that asks you if you want to delete the selected run, click Yes. When you delete a run, it is permanently deleted in Vantagepoint. The vouchers become available again to pay in Vendor Payments. You will see a deleted run in Transaction Center > Posting Review with a status of Canceled.
  • Cash Requirements Report: This lets you run, schedule, or email the Cash Requirements report for this vendor payment run. On the Cash Requirements dialog box, select options for the report content, such as the grouping, level of detail, and layout of the report. The report lists each invoice and AP voucher amount to be paid in the payment run for each vendor, as well as a final total amount. For more information, see Cash Requirements Report.

Payment Run Settings Information

The process type (Manual or Automatic), payment type (Check/EFT, Wire, or Direct Debit), and run payment date for the payment run display in bold below the run number information at the top of the page. Click the bolded text or click beside the text to view or change settings, such as the payment date, type and sorting order, for the payment run on the Payment Run Settings dialog box.

Vendor Balances Grid

Use this grid to drill down by vendor to select the AP vouchers to pay in the payment run.

  • When you set the Process Type field to Automatic on the New Payment Run page for a payment run: The Vendors with Payments Only toggle for the Vendor Balances grid is turned on by default. This means that the grid displays only the vendors that have vouchers selected to pay, based on the criteria that you entered for automatic selection on the New Payment Run page. When you turn off the Vendors with Payments Only toggle, the Vendor Balances grid displays all vendors that have any unpaid vouchers, regardless of when the vouchers are due to be paid.

    You can select other vouchers to pay that were not automatically selected, or remove vouchers to pay that were selected automatically.

  • When you set the Process Type field to Manual on the New Payment Run page for a payment run: The Vendors with Payments Only toggle for the Vendor Balances grid is turned off by default. This means that the grid displays all vendors that have any unpaid vouchers, regardless of when the vouchers are due to be paid. When you turn on the Vendors with Payments Only toggle, the Vendor Balances grid displays only the vendors for which you have selected vouchers to pay.

Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Click this icon to expand the grid to a full screen display. This expanded view reduces the need to scroll through long lists of records. Click this icon again to return to a standard grid display. For more information, see Maximize the Grid View.
Click this icon to select the columns to include in the grid. The columns available for the grid include both standard fields and user-defined fields that are used in the corresponding application area. For more information see Select Columns for a Grid.
Click this icon to export all the data from the grid into a comma-separated values (.csv) file that you save in Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet application that supports .csv files. For more information see Exporting Data to a .csv File.
Click this icon to turn the filter row on or off in the grid. The filter row is used to quickly search for a report. For information about how the filter works, see Filter the Grid Results.
When you filter the Vendor Balances grid by vendor number, you can select more than one vendor in the filter field: After you click in the grid toolbar to display the filter fields above the grid columns, click in the Number filter field. In the vendor drop-down list, click at the bottom of the box. Then, on the Vendor lookup dialog box, select as many vendors as you want for filtering the contents of the Vendor Balances grid.
Vendors with Payments Only /

Turn this toggle on (set it to ) to show only the vendors who have AP vouchers selected to pay in the Vendor Balances grid. Turn this toggle off (set it to ) to show all vendors that have unpaid vouchers, regardless of when the vouchers are due to be paid.

When you set the Process Type field to Automatic on the New Payment Run page for a payment run: The Vendors with Payments Only toggle for the Vendor Balances grid is turned on by default. For automatic type runs, you can select other vouchers to pay that were not automatically selected, or remove vouchers to pay that were selected automatically.

Grid Row Tools

Field Description
Hover over a row in the grid and click this icon at the end of a row to open the Select Vouchers to Pay dialog box. On the dialog box, select the AP vouchers to pay for a vendor in this payment run. After you select the check box at the beginning of the row for each AP voucher to pay and click Close, you are returned to the Vendor Balances grid. You now see the total amount of the vouchers to pay for a vendor in the Payment Amount field in a vendor's row. You also see the total payment amount for run at the bottom of the Payment Amount column. You can also click the number in the Payment Amount field to open the Select Vouchers to Pay dialog box and then select or remove a voucher from the payment run.

Grid Fields

The following are descriptions for all possible fields that you can add to the grid using on the grid toolbar.

Field Description
Number This field displays a vendor's number.
Name This field displays a vendor's name as a hyperlink. Click the name to open an info bubble that provides more information about the vendor.
Payment Currency

This field displays if you use multiple currencies. This field shows the currency code of the currency to use to pay the selected vendor in the grid.

When you create a voucher, you specify a bank code for the bank from which to pay the voucher. The bank code determines the currency in which the payment is made to the vendor.

It is possible for a vendor to have AP vouchers with different payment currencies that are selected to be paid in the same payment run. In this scenario, the vendor will have separate rows in the Vendor Balances grid for each currency. For example, if a vendor has three AP vouchers that are set to be paid in USD currency and four AP vouchers set to be paid in EUR currency, the vendor will have one row in the grid for the USD currency balance for the three vouchers and one row for the EUR currency balance for the four vouchers.


This field displays the unpaid monetary balance that you owe the vendor. If you use multiple companies, the balance is for the vendor for the active company.

If you use multiple currencies:

The balance amount displays in the payment currency for the AP vouchers, which is identified in the Payment Currency field in the grid.

Payment Amount

This field displays zeros when you have not selected any AP vouchers to pay for a vendor. Click the zeros hyperlink, or any amount that is displayed in this field (if you already selected vouchers to pay), to open the Select Vouchers to Pay dialog box. On the dialog box, select the vouchers to include in the payment run for a vendor, or remove vouchers to be paid in the payment run. Another way to open the Select Vouchers to Pay dialog box is to hover over a row in the Vendor Balances grid and click at the end of the row. After you select or remove vouchers for payment on the dialog box and you return to the Vendor Balances grid, the Payment Amount field displays the total amount of the vouchers selected to pay for the vendor.

If you use multiple currencies:

It is possible for a vendor to have AP vouchers with different payment currencies that are selected to be paid in the same payment run. In this scenario, the vendor will have separate rows in the Vendor Balances grid for each currency. For example, if a vendor has three AP vouchers that are set to be paid in USD currency and four AP vouchers set to be paid in EUR currency, the vendor will have one row in the grid for the USD currency balance for the three vouchers and one row for the EUR currency balance for the four vouchers.

The amount in the Payment Amount field displays in the payment currency for the AP vouchers, as identified in the Payment Currency field in the grid.

Payment Amount Column Total The total payment amount for all vouchers selected for the payment run displays in bold at the bottom on the Select Vouchers page below the Payment Amount column. If you use multiple currencies and there is a mix of currencies in the Payment Amount column, a Multicurrency info bubble link displays instead of the column total. Display the info bubble to see total payment amounts for each type of currency.

Grid Columns that Apply Only for Wires and Direct Debits

These fields display in the grid only for payment runs with a payment type of Wire or Direct Debit.

Field Description
Bank Amount

This field displays if you use multiple currencies and the payment type is Wire or Direct Debit. This field shows the total monetary amount to pay for the selected AP vouchers for the selected vendor, in the currency of your bank that is making the payments.

For wires and direct debits, after you select an AP voucher to be paid for a vendor, all subsequently selected vouchers must match the payment currency of the first selected voucher and then match the bank's currency of the first selected voucher.

It is possible that the bank amount and the payment amount differ. An example of this is when a vendor occasionally wants to get paid in a different currency than your bank's usual currency. In this scenario, you might use your bank's online portal to wire the payment in a different currency than your bank's usual currency.

Bank Currency

This field displays if you use multiple currencies and the payment type is Wire or Direct Debit. This field shows the currency code of the bank that is selected for the payment run.

Wire Details

This field displays if you use multiple currencies and the payment type is Wire.

If the bank amount and payment amounts are in the same currencies and there is an exchange rate identified, click the Defined hyperlink in this field to open the Wire Settings dialog box and view and/or edit information on the dialog box.

If the bank amount and payment amount for a row in the grid do not have the same currencies and no exchange rate is identified, click the Missing hyperlink in this field to enter an exchange rate.

Direct Debit Details

This field displays if you use multiple currencies and the payment type is Direct Debit.

If the bank amount and payment amount for a row in the grid have the same currencies and there is an exchange rate identified, click the Defined hyperlink in this field to open the Direct Debit Settings dialog box and view and/or edit information on the dialog box.

If the bank amount and payment amount for a row in the grid do not have the same currencies and no exchange rate is identified, click the Missing hyperlink in this field to enter an exchange rate.