Qualify a Contact from a Marketing Campaign

If a contact is interested and meets your business criteria for the sales cycle, you can qualify the contact on the Responses tab and make it available for pursuit. To do so, your enterprise must use CRM Plus and enable the Lead Qualification process in Settings.

To qualify a contact on the Responses tab:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Marketing Campaigns > Marketing Campaigns.
  2. Use the search field above the marketing campaign name to search for and select the marketing campaign with a contact that you want to qualify.
  3. Click the Responses tab and select the contact that you want to qualify.
    The contact's status must be New Lead for it to be available for qualification. If the contact is already qualified, you can disqualify the contact and revert it to a lead, if needed.
  4. At the end of the contact's row, click and select Qualify.
  5. On the Qualify Contact dialog box, click Qualify Contact.
  6. Use the remaining options on that dialog box to create a new firm record and/or new project record to be associated with the contact and with the marketing campaign.
  7. Click Done in the dialog box to save the contact's status as Qualified and to associate all of the records involved.