Entering Units on Timesheets

You can enter units on timesheets in addition to or instead of entering hours.

You can use units to track and recover internal expenses and charge them to the project, whether or not the expense is reimbursable.

Before you can enter units on timesheets, a system administrator must:
  • Enable timesheet unit entry by setting Enable Unit Entry to Yes in Settings > Time > Options).
  • Select the Allow Employee to Charge Units in Timesheet check box on the Time & Expense tab of the Employees hub for the designated employees.

When these settings are configured, you see an Hours/Units toggle at the top of the Timesheets form. When you select Units, the fields appropriate for entering units display on the Timesheets form. When you select Hours, the fields appropriate for entering hours display on the Timesheet form. You can enter only hours, only units, or both hours and units on one timesheet.