Employee Alerts and Multiple Companies

When you track multiple companies in Vantagepoint, you must set up alerts on a company-by-company basis. Because an employee may be associated with more than one company, the alerts only consider the employees who are active in the company for which the alert is configured.

For example, you are:
  • Associated and active in Company A
  • Associated and active in Company B
  • Associated with, but inactive in, Company C

Company A sends you an email alert if a timesheet is late by 2 days. Company B and Company C send you an email alert if a timesheet is late by 4 days.

Because you are only active in Company A and Company B, you receive:

  • An alert from Company A after 2 days
  • An alert from Company B after 4 days

Because you are inactive in Company C, you will not receive an alert from that company, even though an alert is configured.

In addition, when an alert is configured to be sent to the employee's supervisor, the email message is sent to the employee's home company supervisor.