Open Security and Log In to Vantagepoint

If you are a new user, contact your administrator for your username and password information.

To open Security and log in to Vantagepoint:

  1. Open your browser and click the Vantagepoint icon to open the Vantagepoint application.

    Supported browsers: Vantagepoint supports the latest version of browsers such as Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Internet Explorer is no longer supported.

  2. On the Login page, enter your password.
    If this is the first time that you log in, the password field is blank. To ensure security, leave the password field blank and use the Change Password dialog box to enter a new password.
  3. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Security > Users.
    Vantagepoint is installed with a single user account called ADMIN.
Alternative procedure: If your company uses Windows Integrated Security, use the alternative procedure, Log In Using Windows Integrated Security.