Marketing Campaign List Options Tab

Use the Options tab to select report options for the Marketing Campaign List report and to save sets of options for reuse.


Field Description
Reporting Amounts This section is only available if you use Multicurrency. Reporting amounts provide currency and exchange rate information about an employee's project. Use the Reporting Amounts options to specify how the report displays the currency amounts.
Report in

Select the currency in which to display amounts on the report:

  • Marketing Campaign Currency: Select this setting to use the currency specified in Custom Currency on the Overview tab of the Marketing Campaigns hub.
  • Presentation Currency: Select this setting to use the currency that you specify for the Presentation Currency option.
Presentation Currency If you set Report In to Presentation Currency, use this option to specify the currency in which to display amounts. The list includes only those currencies that are enabled for your enterprise. All amounts on the report are presented in this single currency. Vantagepoint calculates the exchanges between the marketing campaign currency and the presentation currency based on the date that you specify in Exchange Rate as of.
Exchange Rate as of If you set Report In to Presentation Currency, specify the date that Vantagepoint should use to calculate exchanges between the presentation currency that you select and the marketing campaign currency. Vantagepoint determines the correct exchange rates in the daily exchange rate table based on this date.