Access to Activities

You can enter activities in the Activities hub, but you can also do so in many other hubs. Similarly, specifying access to activities for a security role may involve a number of different settings.

Access to the Activities Hub

You control a role's access to the Activities hub as a whole by granting or denying access to the Navigation menu option for it. To grant access, select the check box for the hub in the menu options tree on the Overview tab of the Roles form (Settings > Security > Roles).

If you give a role access to the Activities hub, you can use Screen Designer in the hub to control access to individual tabs, grids, and fields.

The Activities hub access that you define for a role has no effect on that role's access to activities in other hubs. For example, you can deny a role access to the Activities hub but still give them the access necessary to view and enter activities on the Activities tab in the Projects hub.

Access to Activities in Other Hubs

In addition to the Activities hub, users can add, update, and view activities in most other hubs. Use Screen Designer in those hubs to control access to the Activities tab and to individual grids or fields on that tab. Access to activity tabs, grids, and fields that you define for one hub has no effect on a role's access to activities in other hubs. You grant or deny access to tabs, grids, and fields for each hub individually.

Access to Individual Activity Records

In general, a role's level of access (Read Only, Modify Only, Add/Modify, Full) to individual activities corresponds to the role's level of access to the hub records with which the activity is associated, as specified on the Record Access tab of the Roles form.

For example, if a role is given full access to project 1001.01, users assigned to that role also have full access to existing activities associated with project 1001.01 and can add new activities for that project. That is true whether they are working on the Activities tab of the Projects hub, on the Activities tab of another hub, or in the Activities hub itself.

It is possible that a user can have conflicting levels of access to an activity. In that case, the level of access for the current hub determines what they can do. For example, if you are in the Contacts hub and have Read Only access to contacts, then you have Read Only access to the activities on the Activities tab in that hub, even if you have Full access to one of the activities through its associated contact. In that case, you must go to the Contacts hub if you want to modify that activity.

Access to Activities for Which You Are an Attendee

If you are listed as an attendee for an activity, you can view, edit, or delete that activity, regardless of the record-level access defined for your role.

Access to Activities Through Calendar Sharing

If another user shares their calendar with you, you can view all of their activities, whether or not you are an attendee and whether or not the record-level access defined for your role would normally give you access. The exceptions are activities designated as private. While you can view all activities on a shared calendar, you can edit one of the activities only if your role gives you that level of access.

Access to Private Activities

If an activity is designated as a private activity, only the attendees for that activity can view it or update it. If your calendar contains a private activity and you share your calendar with others who are not attendees for that activity, they can see the activity blocked out on your calendar, but they cannot view any information about it, even if the record-level access defined for their role would normally give them access.

Access to Activities with No Associations

If an activity has no attendees or firms listed as stakeholders and is not associated with an project or marketing campaign, any user who has access to the Activities hub can view, edit, or delete that activity.