Specify Currency Exchange Information for Analysis Cubes

If you use the Multicurrency feature, use the Currency Exchange tab to specify how currencies are handled in Analysis Cubes.

If you have multiple companies, the selections that you make on this tab apply for all of the companies in your enterprise.

To specify the currency exchange rate information for the data cubes:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > General > Analysis Cubes.
  2. On the Analysis Cubes form, click the Currency Exchange tab.
  3. In the Pivot Currency field, select the intermediate currency to use to determine exchange rates between all the currencies in your company or the multiple companies in your enterprise.
  4. In the Rate Download Exchange Date field, select one of the following options to use to retrieve the exchange rates to populate the Exchange Rates grid:
    • Today's Date: Select this option to use today's date for the exchange rates.
    • Specific Date: Select this option and then select a date from the calendar to use for the exchange rates.
  5. On the Actions bar, do one of the following:
    • Click the Update Rates option to update the Exchange Rates grid with the Daily Exchange Rate information that is entered in Settings > Currency > Daily Exchange Rates.
    • Click the Schedule option to enter settings that update exchange rates automatically at a future time.
  6. Click Save.

Post-requisite: Whenever you update the currency exchange rates, you must contact your system administrator to run a refresh to update the Analysis Cubes. Depending on your company's configuration of Vantagepoint, your system administrator runs the refresh process or submits an Analysis Cubes Refresh request to the Deltek Cloud Ops.