Print a Posting Log in Transaction Entry

Use a posting log to view information about a batch of transactions that were posted.

Vantagepoint produces a posting log each time you post a transaction file. The log lists all the posted items in the file. You can specify layout settings before you print.

You can also print a posting log in Transaction Center > Posting Review.

To print a posting log in Transaction Entry:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Transaction Center > Transaction Entry.
  2. On the next menu pane, select any of the Transaction applications, such as Journal Entries, AP Vouchers, or All Transactions.
  3. On the form that displays the transaction files in a grid, click Other Actions in the grid Actions bar to determine whether or not you want to choose report layout options on the Layout tab on the Transaction Entry Log dialog box before you view or print the report.

    Options are:

    • Hide Report Options
    • Show Report Options

    This setting is saved and applies for the current session and future sessions.

  4. Complete either of the following in the transaction file grid:
    • Select the check box next to the transaction file whose Transaction Posting log you want to view or print. Then click Print on the grid's action bar.
    • Hover over the row of the transaction file whose Transaction Posting log want to view or print, and click at the end of the row. Then select Print. (From this shortcut menu, you can also select Print - Errors Only to print a Transaction Posting log that shows any errors for the transaction file.)

    The transaction type list is filtered based on your security role's access rights. If you use multiple companies, this list is further refined based on the active company. See the Accounting tab of Role Security for more information.

  5. If Show Report Options is selected (per step 3), the Transaction Entry Posting Log dialog box displays after you click Print, and you can select report options on the Layout tab.

    For more information see Layout Dialog Box.

    After you select options on the Layout tab in the dialog box, click Run on the actions bar on the dialog box to view and print the report, which displays in a separate report dialog box.

  6. If you have Hide Report Options selected (per step 3), the Transaction Posting log displays in a separate report dialog box for viewing or printing. The Transaction Entry Posting Log dialog box with report layout options does not display.
  7. In the report dialog box that displays the Transaction Posting log, use the toolbar options to print or download the report, view the report definitions, and search the report.