Assigning Full Access Rights to Users

There are significant security implications when full access rights are assigned on the Overview tab of the Roles form in Security Settings.

Full access to all menu items

Select this check box to assign this role full access to all Vantagepoint menu items in both the browser and desktop applications. All menus added in future versions of Vantagepoint will be available to this role.

Use this option with caution. When you select this check box, a warning message displays to indicate that users assigned to the role will be able to view and edit every record and field in the database, regardless of their other security settings.

Navigation menu tree

When assigning access rights via the Navigation menu tree, use the Security menu and Roles and Users sub-menu options with caution. When you select any of these options in the Navigation menu tree, a warning message displays to indicate that users assigned to the role will be able to view and edit every record and field in the database for all users, regardless of their other security settings.

When you give a role access to a hub, the role can access only the Summary pane and Overview tab for that hub. To give access to additional tabs within a hub, on the Access Rights tab of the Roles form, set the Functional Area option to Application Tabs and then specify the hub tabs that the role can access.

Your security role access also determines which applications are available via the Find Application search tool on the Navigation pane. When you search for an application, Vantagepoint returns application results only, and all other submenus are excluded. For more information, see Finding an Application. These menus within the Navigation menu tree have significant security implications when selected. Be sure to review these items before making your selections:
  • Security: All security options will be selected and the role will have access to all users and roles.
  • Security > Roles
  • Security > Users
  • Workflow: Users will have access to scheduled and user-initiated workflows.
  • Workflow > User-initiated workflows
  • Workflow > Scheduled workflows
A user with access to any of these applications can increase their security access to all areas of Vantagepoint. When you select any of these options, a warning message displays to alert you to the potential implications.

Enable All

It is important to use this option with caution. When you select this check box, a warning message displays to indicate that users assigned to the role will be able to view and edit every record and field in the database, regardless of their other security settings.