Access to Hubs

Using role security, a system administrator determines whether or not users have access to a hub, as well as which tabs and fields they can access in the hub.

Access to a Hub

You control a role's access to each hub as a whole by giving, or not giving, the role access to the hub menu item in the Navigation pane. To give access to the whole hub, select the check box for that hub in the menu items list on the Overview tab of the Roles form in Settings > Security > Roles.

For example, you might set up a role for project managers that gives them access to only the Projects hub. When you set up a security role for marketing managers, however, you give them access to only the Contacts, Firms, Projects, and Marketing Campaigns hubs.

Access to a Hub's Tabs

When you give a role access to a hub as described in the previous section, by default the users who belong to the role have access to only the Summary pane and Overview tab. All the other tabs remain hidden.

To give the role access to other standard and user-defined tabs in the hub, use either of the following applications:

  • Roles Security Settings: On the Access Rights tab in Settings > Security > Roles, select the Application Tabs functional area, and then add or remove access to hub tabs for the role.

    For more information, see Set Up Access to Application Tabs .

  • Screen Designer: Use the Tab Security field for a tab on the Tab Properties pane in Screen Designer to hide or display a hub tab for one or more roles.

    For more information, see Hide a Tab in Vantagepoint.

You cannot hide the Overview tab in a hub.

For more information on what happens when you hide a tab from a role, see Hiding Tabs in Vantagepoint.

Access to a Hub's Fields

When you give a role access to a hub, and a tab in the hub, the users who belong to the role have access to all the fields on the tab by default. Use Screen Designer to hide and secure certain fields from a role.

Warning About Hiding Essential Fields

Vantagepoint has some essential fields in hubs that are required for applications throughout Vantagepoint to work properly. If you hide an essential field from a role, because the field is secured, unexpected results may occur when users who belong to the role use other Vantagepoint applications that require the field. When you try to hide an essential field, you receive a message that warns you about possible unexpected results. You can still hide the field, but to prevent any unexpected results, Deltek recommends that you do not hide essential fields.

How to Safely Hide Essential Fields in Chart of Accounts Settings

An alternative way to safely hide an essential field in a hub from a role without causing possible unexpected results is to hide the tab that contains the essential field, or move the essential field to a tab that you can hide. You can create a user-defined tab for this purpose if needed. Essential fields on hidden tabs are not secured, so they are still available to the applications that need them and possible unexpected results will not occur.

For information, see the following topics:

Record Access in Hubs

Use the Record Access tab in Security Settings for roles to control access rights to specific records in a hub and determine whether or not users can view only, add, modify, or delete records in a hub.

For more information, see Record Level Security.