Project Hit Rate

Use the Project Hit Rate report to review the "hit rate" for projects. You define how the hit rate is calculated, but it is typically the percentage of projects awarded in a given time period.

For example, you could calculate the percentage of projects that were awarded out of the total that were lost and awarded in the last month using the estimated fee of the projects. In that case:

Awarded Hit Rate = (Awarded Estimated Fee / Total Estimated Fee of Awarded and Lost Projects) x 100

In the last month, if your awarded projects had a total estimated fee of $750,000 and the total estimated fee of lost projects was $250,000, then your awarded hit rate would be 75%:

$750,000 / $1,000,000 X 100 = 75%

This report is available if you use CRM.

Hit Rate Calculation

Suppose you do the following:

  • On the Options tab, you make these selections:
    • In Stages to Include in Hit Rate Calculation, select all Won and Lost stages.
    • In Calculate % of Project with Stages, select Won.
    • In Calculate % By, select Project Count.
    • In Date Field Used in Calculation, select Won/Lost Date.
    • In Date Range, select This Month
  • On the Columns & Groups tab, you sort and group by organization.

When you generate the Project Hit Rate report:

  • The Win/Loss percentage is calculated using the options selected in the Hit Rate Calculation Options section. Those options limit the projects which are included in the report.

    Only regular projects (not overhead or promotional projects) in the selected stages are used in the calculation.

  • The hit rate that is calculated for each organization is the percentage of all the organization's in-pursuit projects that were won this month out of all that were won or lost. If an organization had 100 in-pursuit projects that were won or lost this month and of this 100, there were 25 won projects, the hit rate is 25 percent: (25/100) x 100.
  • If you selected Estimated Fee instead of Project Count in the Calculate % By field: The hit rate that is calculated for each organization is the percentage of the estimated fee for all the in-pursuit projects that were won this month out of all that were won or lost. If the estimated fee for the 25 won projects is $2,500,000 and the total estimated fee for the 100 projects is $5,000,000, the hit rate is 50 percent: ($2,500,000/$5,000,000) x 100.
  • If you select Weighted Fee instead of Project Count in Calculate % By: The hit rate that is calculated for each organization is the percentage of the weighted fee for all the in-pursuit projects that were won this month out of all that were won or lost. If the weighted fee for the 25 won projects is $1,000,000 and the estimated fee for the 100 projects is $8,000,000, the hit rate is 12.5 percent: ($1,000,000/$8,000,000) x 100.